‘A beautiful family of nations is going to emerge from this level of the Real United Nations [whose] main purpose is total education—education of total Natural Law, the light of God, to guide the destiny of man who is made in the image of God.’
by Global Good News staff writer
19 November 2009
Now, through proper education, ‘the world will have the Real United Nations,’ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, declared in an international press conference on 24 November 2004.
Pointing out the knowledge of ‘the basic fundamental reality of the transcendental field of self-referral consciousness, as discovered through modern science in terms of the Unified Field’, Maharishi told the press that with that discovery, we need ‘no more test-tube science'.
‘Now,’ he said, ‘is the holistic science of consciousness’, explaining that it is this knowledge, the science and technology of consciousness, which the educational programmes of the Real United Nations will bring.
Finding ‘real knowledge’ and gaining one’s own cosmic potential
Maharishi refers to this knowledge of consciousness as ‘real knowledge’. ‘Where is real knowledge?’ he rhetorically asked in the press conference. ‘Real knowledge is when the total brain, the whole brain, functions. When the whole brain functions, then the consciousness is fully awake and is a field of unlimited infinity—eternal, beyond space and time, beyond boundaries. It is the cosmic potential of individual life, the divinity in man.’
The experience of infinity is the experience given by Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, the educational programmes of the Real United Nations. The techniques utilized in these programmes bring the awareness of the individual to the universal level of the Unified Field. And, very significantly, they achieve this in a systematic and effortless way.
Scientific research has verified that, indeed, the latent reserves of the brain are mobilized in practitioners of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and brain functioning is optimized, as shown by higher levels of EEG coherence (orderliness in the brain). By offering these techniques, which bring the awareness to the level of the unified basis of creation, Totality, ‘the Real United Nations is,’ Maharishi says, ‘a platform where all have that fundamental level of creativity in which Totality flows.’
Individuals and society rising to enjoy ’real life’
Maharishi expanded upon his description of the fundamental level of life, emphasizing its holistic nature. ‘Life is wholeness; life is not fragmented,’ he explained. ‘The fragmentation of life, as one lives and functions through the senses, is a divided field of life. But the undivided unity, eternity, infinity, and absolute value of the Unified Field, which is unobstructed by anything else, is real life. Society has to grow to that level. The organization of this society, which will take every country to that cosmic level of structure and status, has a name: the Real United Nations.’
Maharishi declared that ‘the Real United Nations is the fundamental right of everyone.’ He said that the proper education provided by the Real United Nations will be that schooling will enliven total Natural Law. And Maharishi was pleased to announce that the whole curriculum for doing this is now ready and ‘that the students and teachers are waking up from their tiredness of having been exposed to the ordinary United Nations, and are now going to establish the Real United Nations’. He grandly stated that ‘the Real United Nations is going to deliver to everyone the reality of his own life, his national life, the life of the world, and the universe.’
‘A holistic United Nations’
‘It is a very good development that has come up,’ Maharishi continued. ‘Now the world will have the Real United Nations. What will this Real United Nations be? It will be a prevention-oriented, problem-free organization and administration—a real administration. It will be a real forum of governments based on the grand government of the ever-expanding, galactic diversity of the universe.’
Maharishi reflected further on the Real United Nations. ‘It is a very beautiful development that is on the level where the United Nations will be a cosmic reality beyond any problem, disturbance, or fragmentation,’ he said. ‘It will be a holistic United Nations.
‘A beautiful family of nations is going to emerge from this level of the Real United Nations [whose] main purpose is total education—education of total Natural Law, the light of God, to guide the destiny of man who is made in the image of God.’
Maharishi concluded, ’The world cannot remain a suffering world anymore.’
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