The fully self-referral state of consciousness is gained in Transcendental Consciousness, which can be experienced by anyone through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation.
by Global Good News staff writer
23 November 2009
Knowledge blossoms when the knower comes in contact with the object of knowledge—when the knower’s attention or awareness falls on the object and allows the object to occupy the knower’s awareness. This occupation of the knower’s awareness by the object structures knowledge of the object in the awareness of the knower.
Thus it is clear that knowledge blossoms with the coming together or unified state of the knower, the process of knowing, and the known or object of knowledge. Knowledge is the unity of knower, knowing, and known.
This is how Maharishi opens his explanation of how knowledge is structured in consciousness in his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction. He explains that Maharishi Vedic University is the university of complete knowledge because it is the university of knowledge of all values of the knower, the process of knowing, and the known. It is the university of subjectivity, objectivity, and their unifying relationship.
‘The unified state of subject (the knower), object (the known), and their relationship (the process of knowing) is fully available in the state of consciousness when consciousness is self-referral, when it knows itself and nothing else,’ Maharishi said.
In this self-referral state, consciousness is the subject (the knower) of itself. In this state consciousness is its unified state, the togetherness of knower, the process of knowing, and the known. Self-referral consciousness is the unity or togetherness of knower, knowning and known.
Maharishi also explains that Maharishi Vedic University is the university of pure knowledge or Veda, the state of self-referral consciousness, in which consciousness knows itself. The Vedic Literature is the literature of consciousness. Each aspect of the Vedic Literature expresses a specific quality of pure intelligence or Veda, pure knowledge, and expresses the full range of a specific quality from its infinite value to its point value—‘from its holistic or unified value to its progressively expressed, quantified values in orderly sequence.’
Self-referral consciousness is at the basis of every aspect of the Vedic Literature, which means every expression is always connected to its source; every part is always connected to the whole. The Veda and Vedic Literature is the integrated structure of total knowledge and its infinite organizing power—the total potential of Natural Law—which constitutes Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology—the Technology of Consciousness—which, Maharishi explains, also includes the expression of consciousness, our human physiology, and the entire physiology of the ever-expanding universe.
Veda, the structure of pure knowledge, we have understood to be the togetherness of knower, knowing, and known. The eternal presence of these three qualities within self-referral consciousness, the ultimate level of reality—pure singularity, pure intelligence, pure consciousness—gives us a picture of the mechanics of transformation of singularity into diversity within the structure of the self-referral wholeness.
Different aspects of the Vedic Literature emerge on the basis of the dynamics of the knower, process of knowing and known within the fully awake silence of self-referral consciousness, Maharishi explained, and give expression to the unmanifest reality of consciousness manifesting as all the diverse qualities of the universe. This whole area of knowledge is one of the subjects of research of the PhD programme at Maharishi Vedic University.
Maharishi explains that since knowledge is structured in consciousness, complete knowledge is only available when consciousness is fully awake. Complete knowledge is only available when consciousness is fully self-referral. The fully self-referral state of consciousness is gained in Transcendental Consciousness, which can be experienced by anyone through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation.
The experience of Transcendental Consciousness through Transcendental Meditation enlivens all the Laws of Nature in the student’s awareness. This is why twice daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique is part of the curriculum at all universities founded by Maharishi, so that while gaining academic knowledge, the student expands, enlivens, and develops the container of knowledge—his own consciousness, his own intelligence, his own mind—until he finds himself enjoying ‘the fruit of all knowledge’, all thought and action in accord with Natural Law, the ability to spontaneously live life free from mistakes.
‘The time has now come in this scientific age for everyone to gain complete knowledge of his own consciousness, and to live life in its full potential of bliss, freedom, and fulfilment,’ Maharishi said.
‘Every student and all others who have passed the student age, should take advantage of this beautiful knowledge and bring fulfilment to life,’ Maharishi said, ‘because everyone has consciousness within himself, so practically using the total potential of Natural Law is the natural birthright of everyone.’
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