During the practice of Yogic Flying—even in its initial stages where the body moves forward in hops—one experiences great exhilaration, lightness, and bliss.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA, USA, The Review
25 November 2009
Levitation throughout the ages has been regarded as an ability of the most highly developed individuals in a society. Records of levitation speak of yogis in India, East Asian arahats, medicine men in Australia, and Japanese sennins. In Europe, those who have possessed the ability to levitate are regarded as enlightened saints.
To hear their stories is delightful and inspiring and to learn of modern day Yogic Flying, an advanced aspect of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Technologies of Consciousness, in which anyone can be instructed, is thrilling and opens one’s vision to all possibilities in his own life.
A taste of Yogic Flying throughout the ages
A few stories give a flavor of levitation.
Aboriginal medicine men are described as both flying through the air in a bird-like manner and as running a couple of feet off the ground. About the latter, it is reported: ‘[They] run at a surprising pace for any distance, faster than anyone can run, and without getting tired or out of breath . . . Indeed, it has been said that the air has been made soft and solid, and that it moves along, carrying them with it.’
In an account of St Joseph of Copertino, an English writer relates: ‘He could not be allowed to say Mass, to take part in processions, or even to share in the meals of the community, for at any moment he was apt to rise into the air and remain suspended for a long time . . . He frequently flew to holy statues in order to embrace them, and, carrying them off their stands, floated about with them; he sometimes picked up a fellow-friar and carried him around the room.’
And the national saint of Tibet in the 11th century, Milarepa, himself describes how he “zealously persevered in my meditations . . . until, finally, I actually could fly,” and then flew to various locations in the mountains to meditate’.
While these stories are examples of a rare few in the past, the scriptures stir our sense of wonder with words such as, 'The kingdom of heaven lies within us' and 'The body is the temple of God.' Are such experiences meant to be for just a select few or for everyone?
Yogic Flying in today’s world
Maharishi says, ‘The Creator, the Almighty, Merciful Father—God, the Creator, Maintainer, and Evolver of Life, has designed life in a way that life for everyone is bliss, life for everyone is freedom and invincibility. That higher intelligence, that Will of God, is to be brought in the family of man in order to restore the dignity of man’s life on earth . . . ‘
Maharishi has spoken of the human brain as a cosmic computer with infinite potential. And, most significantly, he has provided the techniques to awaken its full potential.
Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique easily and effortlessly allows the individual’s mind to settle down and experience the field of pure consciousness within. This allows ‘the brain to function in the coherent way it was designed to function, to give the body the deep rest it needs to dissolve stress and rejuvenate itself day by day’. The TM-Sidhi Programme stirs this field, enlivening it and thereby developing man’s ‘ability to think and act from the all-powerful level of total Natural Law’.
Every human born on earth has available to him this ‘supreme level of Natural Law’, an ocean of happiness, bliss, and power, within his own consciousness. It is an ‘ocean of pure knowledge’, the home or source of all of Nature’s intelligence. Through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes, everyone can easily and systematically experience this transcendental reality, a cosmic reality, which is our own, divine, cosmic nature.
The practitioners of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes, including Yogic Flying, are, in the words of Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, USA, and Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, 'enjoying experiences on a par with those of the legendary sages of the world'.
One sidha (practitioner of Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Programme) emphasizes his experience of bliss during Yogic Flying, saying: ‘Sometimes, as I begin to hop, my awareness is drawn inward and I am completely absorbed in bliss. I am hardly aware of my body or surroundings.
‘The body lifts off the foam in very long, high flights and seems to be propelled through the room by the power of this flow of bliss alone. There is absolutely no sense of physically “doing” anything. I am totally engulfed in wave after wave of exhilarating bliss—a huge elation, awe-inspiring bliss.’
Dr Phil Boyland, associate professor of mathematics at the University of Florida, USA, describes his experience of Yogic Flying: ‘My experiences during Yogic Flying include great freedom, clarity, energy, happiness, comfort, and bigness. Time and space often seem to dissolve and my body is experienced as streams of light, energy and bliss. My awareness is huge and completely at home in itself. As I sit in the deep wholeness, there is a great upward energy, a soaring sensation, the wholeness moves, and I take off.’
He continues, telling of the expanded vision this experience brings. ‘The whole thing is just so compelling. It is clear that this is what life is meant to be about, that I am glimpsing the true status and goal of human life.'
Learning to be the commander of Natural Law
As Dr Boyland expresses, the point of Yogic Flying goes far beyond the immediate bliss and fulfilment it brings. Yogic Flying, and the whole TM-Sidhi Programme, cultures the ability to think and act from the all-nourishing home of Natural Law.
The practice itself creates a positive feedback loop, dissolving stresses in the individual so that his access to Natural Law becomes greater and greater. Eventually, he is the commander of Natural Law, a fully developed, enlightened man whose every thought, word, and action creates a harmonious influence for himself and the environment and whose every desire is life-supporting and easily fulfilled.
The maximizing of brain-wave coherence, which occurs in the individual during his Yogic Flying practice, also benefits his environment. The coherence spreads to the society, particularly when the technique is practised in large groups, which greatly amplify the coherence-creating effect and purify collective consciousness.
Dr Pearson points out that with this technology, ‘we possess the power to eliminate suffering and conflict from the world, once and for all—to create nothing less than a golden age, Heaven on Earth, here and now.’
Bringing Heaven on Earth to every man
Dr Boyland, in relating his experience of Yogic Flying and realizing its true significance in bringing human life to fulfilment, suggests ‘that human life and society should be organized so that everyone can experience this'. Maharishi has done just that. Through the creation of the Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi has set up the structure to bring Yogic Flying and all of his Vedic technologies, which are simple, natural, effortless, and universal to everyone on earth.
Maharishi beautifully shares his vision and goal of bringing higher intelligence, the Will of God to the life of every man, thereby restoring him to his highest dignity. With this thought, Maharishi adds an expression of his confidence that this can be accomplished at this time in history saying, ‘There has been a prayer for quite some time, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Knowledge of Natural Law is enough in our hands today in this scientific age, where that fullness of life can be actualized now and for every generation to come.’
Editor’s Note: The content and quotes in this article are from The Complete Book of Yogic Flying by Dr Craig Pearson.
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