At universities founded by Maharishi, students learn how to identify themselves with complete knowledge.
by Global Good News staff writer
6 November 2009
Maharishi Vedic University has changed the centuries-old concept of scientific research from ‘discovering specific Laws of Nature’ to ‘directly experiencing and using the totality, or Unified Field, of all the Laws of Nature.’
Maharishi Vedic University expands the container of knowledge—the awareness of the student—and develops the full creative genius of the student. On that basis Maharishi Vedic University provides the ocean of all knowledge—holistic value of knowledge—even while offering specialized fields of knowledge.
In his book, Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explains that this university holds the human brain physiology to be the ‘hardware of the Cosmic Computer’ that ‘can deliver anything through proper programming’.
Based on the concept that all knowledge cannot be gained by any one individual, other universities lead everyone to focus on specific fields of knowledge.
‘The life of a Vedic scientist is more fulfilling and far more creative and productive than the life of a modern scientist,’ Maharishi said. ‘It is also clear that Maharishi Vedic University offers fulfilment to all existing universities.
‘This assessment is substantiated by the discovery of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, [under Maharishi’s guidance], that the Veda and Vedic Literature are the structuring dynamics of human physiology. The Vedic Literature is the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda—the Totality or Wholeness of Natural Law—on one side, and the structuring dynamics of human physiology on the other side.’
Maharishi said that complete knowledge of Natural Law, complete knowledge of the Veda and Vedic Literature, is vital for everyone who wants to live daily life fully supported by Natural Law.
At universities founded by Maharishi, students learn how to identify themselves with complete knowledge. Complete knowledge means intellectual understanding of the structures of knowledge available in the Vedic Literature and the experience of consciousness [through the Transcendental Meditation Programme], which is the common source of all these structures of knowledge and of all the academic disciplines studied by the students.
Maharishi explained that a student also learns to identify the structures of knowledge in the Vedic Literature with different areas of his own physiology. ‘In this theme of study each student identifies himself with the structure of Total Knowledge and spontaneously allows knowledge and its organizing power to be a living reality of his daily life.’
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