Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


‘Individuals practising Transcendental Meditation have a more holistic grasp of knowledge, because they have developed unbounded awareness as the basis of gaining knowledge.'


The value of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for education
by Global Good News staff writer
16 September 2009

Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme provides students with the ability to make contact with their inner Being and to achieve deeper levels of self-understanding. 

Western education has traditionally emphasized learning through rational, verbal, and analytical skills, which are the domain of the left hemisphere of the brain; it has ignored the spatial, holistic, or intuitive modes of thinking in which information is processed holistically by the right hemisphere of the brain. Whereas schools give priority to acquisition of academic knowledge, students place greater importance on self-knowledge, self-development, and the development of better relationships with others.

Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme allows the awareness of the student to experience the holistic value of knowledge. This method of gaining integrated knowledge has always been available in the ancient Vedic culture of India. This ancient wisdom and experience has been expressed in the works of great writers, philosophers, artists, and scientists throughout time. But for centuries education has emphasized only the development of reason and the acquiring of information; holistic knowledge has remained outside the mainstream of western experience.

Scientific research has shown that students practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique improve their grades and their relationships with others. Teachers practising Transcendental Meditation are able to communicate better with students and enjoy better family relationships.

In a talk given in New York on 28 April 1974, Maharishi explained that Transcendental Meditation is based on the knowledge that the individual is not a series of parts to be treated separately, but rather a single integrated entity whose functioning is determined by the state of the nervous system. ‘When the nervous system is weakened by stress, perception is blurred,’ he said. ‘Comprehension is limited, and performance is impaired.

‘Transcendental Meditation provides deep rest, which releases stress and normalizes the nervous system. On the basis, the total behaviour of the individual is improved. ‘Transcendental Meditation provides a basis for the whole school curriculum,’ Maharishi said. ‘It prepares the student for learning and the teacher for teaching, and provides the openness that joins teacher and student in the joy of learning.’

There is a tremendous expansion of knowledge today, but the means to unify all this knowledge has been lacking. Maharishi then explained that the Science of Creative Intelligence reveals that ‘absolute values are not to be found in the objective world, and guides us to consciousness, to the Self, to the knowledge of the knower. It establishes the knower as the continuum in which expanding knowledge of the objective world can be unified and made significant.’

Maharishi explained that the tension in the world today dismantles the wholeness of Being, which is the basis for perfect health. The Science of Creative Intelligence, by providing a restful state of mind and body, enables the individual to maintain his psychological and physiological integrity.

‘The Science of Creative Intelligence is at the basis of everything in the universe and is responsible for the evolution of everything in creation,’ Maharishi said. Through the Science of Creative Intelligence ‘it is within the reach of every human being to achieve the highest level of evolution and to be in harmony with the whole cosmos.

‘Our modern scientific outlook identifies truth with objective knowledge,’ he continued, ‘and conditions the mind to perceive differences rather than similarities. The Science of Creative Intelligence allows us to experience all differences in life as expressions of the same unified reality.’ He explained that it is the intellect that separates the Self from the non-Self, the individual from the rest of the universe. The practice of Transcendental Meditation brings about a natural growth of unity between the individual and his environment. 

‘Individuals practising Transcendental Meditation have a more holistic grasp of knowledge, because they have developed unbounded awareness as the basis of gaining knowledge. Now we are in the midst of a great transformation in which a new view of life and the universe is being formed,’ Maharishi concluded.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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