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The Transcendental Meditation Programme enriches the individual value of every culture and at the same time provides a unifying influence that will harmonize all the diverse values in the world.
by Global Good News staff writer
25 September 2009
In the fourth volume of his pocket-sized series of books Maharishi Speaks to Educators: Mastery over Natural Law, Maharishi explains to educators how to enliven the fundamentals of culture to strengthen and glorify the culture of any nation.
In this talk, given on 15 August 1974 in Arosa, Switzerland, Maharishi began by explaining that the nature of life is to grow and evolve, and this is the basis of culture. Natural Laws are responsible for the process of evolution of life in every country. ‘These evolutionary laws spring from the pure field of creativity, the total potential of Natural Law,’ he said.
Maharishi explained that the five fundamentals of progress and culture are stability, adaptability, integration, purification, and growth. Scientific experiments have shown that through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme these five qualities are enlivened in the life of the individual.
During the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, ‘the awareness adapts in a natural way to finer and finer experiences in quick succession,’ Maharishi said. ‘This sequential experience of finer states of thought develops the quality of adaptability in the nervous system.’
Maharishi explained that in the process of transcending during Transcendental Meditation, the awareness gains the eternally stable, non-changing state of Transcendental Consciousness, unbounded awareness. This experience of Transcendental Consciousness produces a corresponding state of stability in the physiology.
This growth of stability and adaptability takes place on both levels, physiological and psychological.
‘When the experience shifts from transcending to transcendence,’ Maharishi said, ‘from adaptability to stability, these two values are experienced almost simultaneously. This develops in the awareness the quality of integration—the ability to integrate unboundedness and boundaries.
‘Evolution cannot take place without purification,’ he continued. ‘The value of purification ensures that only life-supporting influences will be adopted.
‘When adaptability, stability, integration, and purification are naturally involved in a process, it must be an evolutionary process, a process of growth.’
These five Fundamentals of Progress—stability, adaptability, integration, purification, and growth—are also the Fundamentals of Culture. The purpose of culture is to enrich, to refine, and to promote progress.
‘The Laws of Nature, motivated by the specific climatic and geographical conditions in any part of the world,’ Maharishi continued, ‘promote the basic cultural values of that area. When the Fundamentals of Culture are lively in the nation, the life of the nation is in accordance with the Laws of Nature of that area. This is the basis of all progress.’
Maharishi then said that the cultural values of every land are threatened today by the rapid development of technology.
‘The fast means of communication are responsible for the intermixing of cultural values throughout the world. The dilution of the traditional cultural values of any country results in the violation of the Natural Laws governing life in that country.
‘Transcendental Meditation is the natural procedure to enliven the Fundamentals of Culture in every nation and thereby glorify the dignity of every culture. At the same time unlimited progress will be sustained by the Laws of Nature in that country.’
When the five Fundamentals of Progress are lively in all parts of the world, every culture will blossom in its full value and will become a fertilizer for every other culture.
The Transcendental Meditation Programme enriches the individual value of every culture and at the same time provides a unifying influence that will harmonize all the diverse values in the world.
‘As individuality develops, universality blossoms,’ Maharishi said. ‘This is the practical fruit of knowledge, which is being offered by the Science of Creative Intelligence.
‘The infusion of harmony into diversity is the great achievement of our time. This growth of harmony has realized the full potential of the whole human race and has established the integrity of the world family of nations for all times to come.
‘As stress is released in world consciousness and the atmosphere is becoming purer, the expression of knowledge is becoming more and more complete,’ Maharishi concluded. ‘As this process of purification advances, the totality of the knowledge of the Laws of Nature will open to human awareness.’
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