By practising Transcendental Meditation, students can become a global citizens who can fulfil their personal goals and simultaneously nourish all of the world.
by Global Good News staff writer
9 September 2009
As a student, you naturally have high ideals and great aspirations for yourself and your world. It is natural to want more of everything good, to want to enjoy more happiness, more intelligence, more power, more love, more inner and outer peace, more wealth and health. To do this, we must become more of our true selves. We must use our infinite potential for creativity, intelligence, power, and happiness that lies within.
Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme allows us to unfold that vast creativity and intelligence so that our actions always are useful to not only ourselves, but to society as a whole, and we truly rise to global citizenship.
The central idea we want to consider is that the Transcendental Meditation Programme brings global citizenship by aligning the thought and action of the student with the universal intelligence which governs the ever-expanding universe.
The two main points which will unfold this theme are first, the understanding brought to light by modern science of a unified field of intelligence at the basis of creation; and second, how, through the Transcendental Meditation Programme, the individual is able to experience this field and thereby gain innumerable scientifically validated benefits, including global citizenship.
Locating a unified basis of creation
Taking a look at modern science, it is fascinating to note that Einstein’s great goal of locating a single source of the universe has been realized in recent decades. Physicist, Dr John Hagelin, tells us that scientists have identified ‘a Unified Field, or Superstring Field, [which] is the unified source of all the diverse streams of Natural Law,’ all particles and forces in the vast universe. This Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature at the foundation of creation, is the fountainhead of all creativity and intelligence. On the level of the individual, the Unified Field is located at the source of thought.
With this in mind, we can logically infer that if someone can experience the source of his own thinking process, he can gain access to the reservoir of infinite creativity and intelligence governing the whole universe.
Fortunately, the human nervous system possesses the unique ability to transcend thought, to tap into the level of the Unified Field. And, moving to our second point, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme provides us with a reliable, systematic technique to directly experience this field.
Experiencing the source of our thoughts through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme
The Transcendental Meditation Technique is a simple, natural, effortless technique during which the mind enjoys a powerful dive within, going to finer and finer levels of the thinking process until it goes beyond thought itself to experience the source of thought, the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the field of consciousness unrestricted by thought or any object of perception, that is, pure consciousness. This experience of consciousness itself, pure subjectivity, was distinguished in research by Dr Robert Keith Wallace about 40 years ago as a fourth state of consciousness, physiologically different from waking, dreaming, and sleeping.
One way in which this experience of transcendental consciousness is unique is that it engages the total brain. This contrasts with, for example, an experience of mathematics, which enlivens the left hemisphere of the brain, or art, which engages the right hemisphere. Instead, transcending, the experience of the field of pure consciousness, has been demonstrated scientifically to allow the brain to function holistically—it produces global EEG coherence. This brings maximally expanded human comprehension which has been correlated with the development of intelligence, creativity, alertness, reaction time, emotional maturity, and psychological stability.
We can gain further appreciation of the experience of pure consciousness by considering another angle, one which will allow us to see how the Transcendental Meditation Programme develops global citizenship. By systematically expanding human comprehension to be global, indeed universal, through the experience of pure consciousness, the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the Transcendental Meditation Technique aligns the individual’s thoughts and actions with the same intelligence which governs the huge dynamism of the ever-expanding universe.
Since the individual’s awareness is opening to the source of thought through his practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, the result is the infusion of pure consciousness, the Unified Field, into the very nature of the mind. Thought and action arising from the Unified Field are naturally aligned with the intelligence that rules the universe, with total Natural Law. They are in accord with total Natural Law, that nourishing intelligence which upholds the life and evolution of millions of species here on earth and beyond.
Being fully attuned with Natural Law, an individual can fulfil not only his own aspirations, but he can simultaneously promote the interests of all of society. This is global citizenship, ideal citizenship whereby every thought and action is fully in accord with Natural Law and therefore possesses an all-nourishing and only-nourishing quality for the individual and his environment.
Making global citizenship yours
In summary, we’ve seen how modern science has discovered a Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, a field of infinite, universal creativity and intelligence at the foundation of creation. And we have come to understand how Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, by bringing the awareness of the individual to the level of the Unified Field, attunes his thoughts and actions to be in accord with total Natural Law.
This means that the thoughts and actions of the individual possess the infinite creativity, power, and intelligence of the Unified Field. Functioning from the all-nourishing level of universal intelligence, the individual is a global citizen, in harmony with all the Laws of Nature.
So, if you want to become a global citizen, to become someone who can fulfil his personal goals and simultaneously nourish all of the world, you can achieve this very naturally by practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme.
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