When the speaker maintains pure awareness while speaking, the level of unbounded awareness comprehends a bigger horizon and conveys the speaker’s intention in its entirety.
by Global Good News staff writer
15 September 2009
At the Seventh International Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence, on 1 August 1972, at Humboldt State College, California, USA, Maharishi spoke about the fulfilment of linguistics through the Science of Creative Intelligence.
He explained that the source of language is consciousness, pure intelligence, pure awareness. From there thought arises and structures itself in the form of language.
‘The glory of speech,’ Maharishi said, ‘is that while remaining within boundaries it is able to express the boundless. The entire range of language comprehends both Absolute and relative, boundless and boundaries.’
He said that the stream of life flows in the expressions of speech, and for those expressions to be most profound, it is necessary that the awareness is lively in the wholeness of life. ‘Then every expression of language enjoys the support of the wholeness of life—infinity.’
During the Transcendental Meditation Technique we transcend the limitations of language and experience pure unbounded awareness, the source of language.
‘Linguistics, the scientific study of language, should include within its fold Transcendental Meditation, the means to experience the source of all language, the field of pure consciousness, pure intelligence,’ Maharishi continued.
‘The formula for profound speech is to speak with one’s awareness established in the source of speech, and the source of speech is bliss consciousness. When bliss consciousness is maintained along with the expressions of speech, then the expressions are the streams of bliss and sweetness.’
Maharishi explained that since pure awareness, the source of speech, is unbounded, the boundaries of language are alive in unboundedness. ‘When the boundaries of speech breathe the boundless value of pure consciousness, speech is soft, gentle, and harmonious. Through all the boundaries of language, the harmony that underlies all differences is maintained,’ he said.
The purpose of language is to establish a very harmonious, useful communication between the speaker and the listener. This purpose is fulfilled only when the speaker maintains pure awareness while speaking, because language from the level of unbounded awareness comprehends a bigger horizon and conveys the speaker’s intention in its entirety.
‘The Science of Creative Intelligence gives the knowledge and experience of the creative source of language, pure consciousness,’ Maharishi concluded, ‘whereby every expression of speech carries with it, in a very lively manner, the values of unboundness, bliss, pure love, and life.’
By enriching language in this way, the Science of Creative Intelligence brings fulfilment to the study of language.
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