Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


School faculty and administrators practising the Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education programme experience that it helps them maintain their focus and efficiently accomplish their educational goals.



The benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Technique for school faculty and administrators
by Global Good News staff writer
5 April 2010

Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme indicates that the benefits of this technique for the individual are comprehensive. Findings especially relevant to faculty and administrator development include improved health and reduction of stress; greater inner stability and resistance to stress; and increased creativity, personal satisfaction, and self-actualization.

Teachers need to be able to maintain focus on their objectives, while adapting to continually changing demands in the classroom. Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme indicating increased physiological stability and field independence is thus highly relevant to effective teaching.

Studies examining galvanic skin responses, which measure physiological excitation, found that the Transcendental Meditation Technique enables more rapid mobilization of one’s physiological resources, while at the same time facilitating quicker recovery to baseline levels of functioning.

Similarly, studies of field independence, a measure of the ability to maintain internal stability in a distracting environment, have found significant improvements among those who learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

Kevin Colgan, a former principal and social studies teacher in Pennsylvania, USA, gives his long-term experience of the benefits of Transcendental Meditation for educators:

'As a Principal and teacher in both private and public schools for the last 28 years, I feel that the Transcendental Meditation Programme should be an essential component of every educational programme for administrators, teachers, and students. For decades I have observed the profound and far-reaching effects of this programme when implemented in the schools.

'Its benefits for me personally include being able to remain composed and maintain clarity of thinking in stressful situations; the ability to remain focused on detail while not losing the larger view; a greater appreciation of my good fortune in being a father, son, and teacher; ability to see the good points in ‘difficult’ co-workers and students; and growth of spontaneous feelings of happiness and compassion and the urge to share them.

'I encourage all Superintendents and Principals to consider implementing the Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education programme to help in realizing their highest educational goals.'

How does one technique result in such comprehensive benefits?

Quantum physics has identified the field of Transcendental Consciousness, experienced during the Transcendental Meditation Technique, as the Unified Field of Natural Law, which, through its self-interacting dynamics, gives rise to all forces and phenomena governing the orderly evolution of the universe.

Viewed from this perspective, the Transcendental Meditation Technique is a means for the mind to twice daily identify itself with this fundamental field of Nature’s intelligence—which is one’s own total intelligence—and thereby infuse the unlimited creative potential of this field into practical life. Scientific research has verified the increased creativity and orderliness of brain functioning produced by Transcendental Meditation.

Carmen N’Namdi, a school principal in Detroit, Michigan, USA, reports:

'Our staff was taught the Transcendental Meditation Technique for the mental and physical health benefits that result in the work environment with the release of stress. In students, we have seen the Transcendental Meditation Programme enhance study skills, academic performance, critical thinking skills, interpersonal and social skills—all because of the deep rest that the body is receiving.

'We are looking forward to the years to come when more and more schools and work environments will realize that not much gets done until the stress is out of the way.'

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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