At Maharishi University of World Peace, the students will gain the Total Knowledge of Natural Law on the level of both intellectual understanding and on the level of direct experience.
by Global Good News staff writer
25 August 2010
Speaking at the request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during the Global Press Conference on 4 December 2002, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, explained that Maharishi University of World Peace was founded to establish a new world order of affluence and peace for the whole human race.
Dr Morris said the university will have major campuses in India on the banks of the Ganges with many groups of 8000 Yogic Flying Vedic Pandits; in conjunction with Maharishi University of Management in Maharishi Vedic City in Iowa, USA, where there will be both student Yogic Flyers and 8000 Yogic Flying Vedic Pandits; and in a number of other locations there will be groups of 8000 Yogic Flyers to create global coherence—coherence in world consciousness.
In addition to these major campuses, there will be 3000 Peace Palaces worldwide, all of which are the branches of the University of World Peace, under the global leadership of Dr Volker Schanbacher, President of the University of World Peace.
Dr Morris explained that in all of these institutions, students will create peace on earth by gaining the Total Knowledge of Natural Law. As Maharishi has explained, Dr Morris said, so far, in education that exists anywhere in the world, one only studies segmented fields of knowledge: physics, or chemistry, or physiology—a branch of knowledge, some specific area of the laws of nature.
As a result ‘the human brain is only partially enlivened by modern education,’ Dr Morris said. ‘Only segments of the brain corresponding to the areas needed to study that particular discipline get awakened, but never the total brain.’
At Maharishi University of World Peace, the students will gain the Total Knowledge of Natural Law on the level of both intellectual understanding and on the level of direct experience.
On the level of intellectual understanding, students will gain from Maharishi and from His Majesty Raja Nader Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, from leaders of the Global Country, and other great scientists of our age, the understanding of the Totality of Natural Law from the perspective both of modern science and of ancient Vedic Science, ‘which Maharishi has brought back in its completeness,’ Dr Morris said.
Students will gain the knowledge of the Unified Field of Natural Law, which is the field of the infinite silence and infinite dynamism together, Dr Morris continued. It is ‘the field where all the Laws of Nature are “humming” together, the Totality of the whole field of Nature’s Intelligence is “humming” in the transcendental basis of all existence.
‘They will gain a complete understanding of this field from quantum physics and the different modern sciences, as well as understanding it as consciousness, as the unbounded ocean, the infinite ocean of consciousness, from the field of Maharishi Vedic Science.’
In addition—and most importantly, Dr Morris emphasized—through the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and Yogic Flying, every student at Maharishi University of World Peace will have the direct experience of Transcendental Consciousness, which is their own unbounded Self. ‘They will experience this Totality of Natural Law, which has its own language, the Vedic Language, humming in their own unbounded ocean of consciousness. They will directly experience the Total Field of Natural Law,’ Dr Morris said.
He explained that as a result of this experience: first, their whole brain will begin to function. ‘The total brain only gets enlivened during this experience of Transcendental Consciousness,’ Dr Morris said. ‘So the infinite potentiality of the human brain will begin to function.’
The student will also rise in higher states of consciousness—from Transcendental Consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness to God Consciousness, and to Unity Consciousness*. ‘Rising in higher consciousness, functioning from that Total Field of Natural Law, they will spontaneously be in accord with all the Laws of Nature that administer the whole creation; that administer the ever-expanding universe with perfect order,’ Dr Morris explained.
‘Being in harmony with that Total Intelligence of Natural Law, they will be without mistakes, without problems, without suffering, and will have the support of this mighty intelligence that runs the universe so that whatever they desire—just by mere desiring, by the mere thinking of what they would wish—the whole value of Natural Law, Total Natural Law, will support and bring to fulfilment their great noble wishes for their own life and the life of the world.
‘Being established in higher states of consciousness, with this perfect coherently functioning brain—total brain functioning—they will live in a state of infinite peace and bliss. Every student will rise within their universities as a lighthouse of peace for the city, their society, and for their world.’
* Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness: Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of physiological functioning, experience, knowledge, and fulfilment.
Excellence in Action will continue Dr Morris’ presentation about Maharishi University of World Peace in a further article.
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