If we stabilize our awareness in the field of unity, self-referral consciousness, through the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation and then perform action, life will be problem-free.
by Global Good News staff writer
30 August 2010
During Maharishi’s Global Press Conference on 4 December 2002, the editor of a major economic newspaper from Japan asked Maharishi what we can do to create an ideal society. He also asked how Maharishi maintained such good health when he had been so very active for such a long time in creating world peace?
Maharishi answered that the health of all activity depends upon association with deep silence. Maharishi used the analogy of the sap in a plant.
‘It is just like awareness of the sap,’ Maharishi said. ‘The gardener waters the root and supplies nourishment to all the fruits.’
Maharishi said that what we can do to create an ideal society is Yoga-sthah kuru karmani. ‘This is the formula,’ Maharishi said, ‘the Vedic formula for action. Stabilize your awareness on the ground of peace within yourself, Transcendental Consciousness.
‘Stabilize yourself in the peace of self-referral quality in terms of modern science and ‘parame vyoman’ [the Transcendent] in terms of Vedic Science, and then fatigue will not come because all creation, infinite dynamism of creation, has its seat in that eternal silence.’
Maharishi emphasized that Yoga-sthah kuru karmaani is the formula for action. He explained that we must stabilize ourself, our awareness, in the field of Unity, self-referral consciousness, the Unified Field, the Transcendent, and then perform action. Established in Being, perform action.
Action will then be undertaken by the total Natural Law. Maharishi said, ‘Total Natural Law is that which spontaneously administers the move of the sun—and not only one sun, millions of suns.
‘Dr Hagelin tells us that there are millions of suns, and millions of galaxies, and an enormously big and ever-expanding universe. You are born to be in command of that total Natural Law, which is competent to do anything without exhausting [itself]. This is the science of life—this is Vedic Science.
‘This is what we want to have in the consciousness of all the people in all the countries, and everyone will be fulfilled in life. No one would create problems for anyone else. That is the administration that we want to promote.’
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