Students, teachers, and school administrators feel that the Transcendental Meditation Technique is an excellent tool to use with many benefits.
by Global Good News staff writer
9 August 2010
Speaking in a recent video interview, Janice Shaw, a school social worker in Ottawa, Canada, reported that she has a ‘more calm demeanour. There is more evenness that I found emotionally; I don't get angry too often. [There is] just more even tone.’
She says she would recommend Transcendental Meditation (TM) for what it gives you—‘that inner calm. It's something that you have internally and it sees you through your day and your relationships.’
She feels very drawn to it: ‘I feel this is a life practice for me now. It's just something that is part of me.'
Liselle Prickett, a school principal, reports that a position such as hers can be very stressful, but Transcendental Meditation has been an excellent resource for her to use when there is extra stress she would like to release. ‘I have been able to become more relaxed and focused the next day after a stressful day,’ Liselle said, ‘because I am able to release that through Transcendental Meditation.’
Teacher Pat McArthur reports that he would recommend Transcendental Meditation to any teacher. ‘It provides you with a deeper sense of focus, a deeper sense of commitment, and it brings a connected level to what your essential role is as a teacher . . . You feel things, know things, and understand things on a deeper intuitive level and a deeper psychic level than I think you do otherwise.’
As a result, he commented, the practical aspects of teaching—for example, lesson plans and nightly marking—become much easier. ‘The marking gets done. It gets done more efficiently. It gets done more correctly. It gets done more accurately. The lesson plans are better; they're nicer, they're tighter,’ Pat said.
Two students from Ottawa, Canada, also recommend Transcendental Meditation.
Amanda reports that she’s noticed she has a lot more patience in her relationships—‘especially with my family, like dealing with my grandparents if our personalities clash. It's easier for me, even with my peers at school, if someone is upsetting me or saying something I don't necessarily agree to, it's a lot easier for me to just withdraw myself, take a step back, and just accept that that's the way things are. I don’t have to agree with everything.
‘When you meditate,’ she continued, ‘you walk around with the back straight and you just feel strong minded after TM.’
Matt, another student, reports that Transcendental Meditation has brought a lot of meaning into his life. He has ‘a lot more understanding of things. I don't need to drink in order to have fun. I actually get the meaning out of things, the major importance.
‘That's probably the most major benefit that has happened for my health and everything.’
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