by Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, Achievements
11 August 2010
Nearly 70 guests from around the country took part in Maharishi University of Management’s Visitors Weekend in July. The Admissions Office has regularly hosted Visitors Weekends since 1978, accommodating prospective students and their parents from all over the U.S. and from other countries.
Guests stay on campus in the newly-renovated Visitors Center and enjoy organic vegetarian meals in the University’s dining hall. One of the special activities is a tour of the campus including residence halls, the Golden Dome, classrooms, the Sustainable Living Department, the greenhouses, and the Recreation Center.
In addition, visitors have a chance to learn about MUM’s unique Consciousness-Based education including the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs from faculty and researchers such as Dr. John Hagelin, Dr. Fred Travis, and Dr. Bob Roth. A favorite part of the weekend is the opportunity for guests to have lunch with MUM faculty and learn about the various academic departments.
“It’s always great to host prospective students and see the obvious enthusiasm they have for what they are learning and experiencing,” said Brad Mylett, Dean of Admissions. Most guests find out about the Visitors Weekends from friends and from MUM’s website.
MUM students play an important role in entertaining and informing guests. By acting as student hosts, they accompany guest at meals and on tours, answer questions during student panels, and provide musical entertainment at a Sunday night pizza party.
Admissions Counselors are also available during the weekend for questions and visitors have the option to sit in on a class of their choice. Visitors Weekends have been highly successful recruitment events as over 50 percent of prospective students who attend a Visitors Weekend enroll at MUM within a year.
Guests are most impressed with the diversity and friendliness of the student body. They also appreciate the organic meals, the single rooms, and the sense of community on campus. “I was so impressed with the clarity, simplicity and humility of the faculty,” said one visitor. “If the classrooms are like their presentations then the students are in for a rare treat.” Several of the visitors from the July group have already applied to MUM.
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