The cherished goals of every education system to develop the students’ potential can be practically realized in a way never before possible through Maharishi’s programme of Consciousness-Based Education for Kindergarten to PhD.
by Global Good News staff writer
6 December 2010
Long-time educators, Drs Dennis and Robin Rowe, discuss the system of Consciousness-Based Education in an article published in Enlightenment magazine (volume 2, issue 3). They explain that this form of education offers students the opportunity to learn and experience that they are cosmic and possess infinite potential. As explained by the Rowes, Consciousness-Based Education offers every nation the opportunity to create a bright future for itself.
Dennis and Robin Rowe:
‘All children born on earth deserve the chance to develop their creative potential and enjoy a life free from problems and mistakes. Unfortunately, for thousands of years education everywhere has created an imperfect man, leading to an imperfect society. Now Consciousness-Based Education is transforming the educational approach of the world by offering total brain development to create perfection for the individual and society—this is gaining the fruit of all knowledge for mistake-free, problem-free life.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and Consciousness-Based Education, said that education should develop every human brain to function from full creative potential, to have the custody of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law. What does one have to do to gain this custody? One has to be awake within oneself, and that’s all. You don’t have to read books, or learn from anyone else; you just have to be your unbounded, cosmic Self.
Here is good news for every parent and educator: Consciousness-Based Education is available to every educational institution. This programme does not require a big change in the school’s existing routine—simply by adding one period a day of research and study of consciousness, the total cosmic potential of human consciousness can open all possibilities for every student.
Maharishi explains the value of the knowledge that students gain during this one period a day: “Unless knowledge is learned with reference to the universe and to oneself, it will leave the mind in doubt. [The students will ask:] ‘What is the connection of this to everything else? And to me?’ Unless this is made clear, the thirst for knowledge will never be satisfied.”
There are hundreds of thousands of students attending Consciousness-Based Educational institutions throughout the world. What these institutions have in common is bliss and joy in learning and teaching, an exceptional climate of friendliness and coherence, and outstanding academic outcomes.
Consciousness-Based Education schools admit students from a variety of educational backgrounds, yet they consistently score in the top percentiles on national tests of academic skills and achievement; they win numerous top awards at regional and national competitions in academic subjects like science and mathematics, as well as sports and fine arts. Students are friendly, caring, balanced, healthy, and well-integrated with each other and with their teachers.
And let’s not forget about the teachers when we talk about an ideal system of education. Teachers at Consciousness-Based Education schools gain energy and happiness through the development of their own unbounded intelligence and creativity. They enter the classroom with the freshness of mind and heart necessary to make learning a joy for every student. They grow in the universal attributes of ideal teaching: creativity and clarity, strength and vitality, and sensitivity and insight.
Through Maharishi’s programme of Consciousness-Based Education for Kindergarten to PhD, the cherished goals of the education system of every nation to develop their citizens’ potential can be practically realized in a way never before possible. Every nation can secure the present and future of its youth, and through them the bright future of the whole society.
We see a fulfilling time before us, when schools around the world take this knowledge to heart, and students both learn and experience from their earliest age that they are cosmic, that their potential is infinite.
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