Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Through the Global Maharishi Effect the ‘field effect’ of consciousness was witnessed, strengthening positive and harmonious trends in world consciousness.



Creating world peace and heaven on earth through the Global Maharishi Effect
by Global Good News staff writer
5 February 2010

Yogic Flying is a phenomenon of a thought projected from Transcendental Consciousness, the Unified Field of Natural Law, the field of all possibilities.

Transcendental Consciousness is the simplest state of human consciousness, self-referral consciousness, which is easily accessible through Transcendental Meditation and more fully enlivened through the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, which includes Yogic Flying.

Yogic Flying demonstrates perfect mind-body coordination and is correlated with maximum EEG coherence—indicating maximum orderliness and integration of brain functioning. Even in the first stage of Yogic Flying, in which the body lifts up in a series of short hops, this practice produces ‘bubbling bliss’ for the individual and generates coherence, positivity, and harmony for the environment.

Maharishi explains in his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction that ‘Yogic Flying places the individual in control of Nature’s “central switchboard”, from where Natural Law governs the entire universe. From here, the individual can command all channels of Nature’s infinite creativity and the invincible organizing power of Natural Law.

‘An order from the Prime Minister commands the total authority and resources of the nation for its implementation. Similarly, any intention projected from the Unified Field of Natural Law commands the infinite organizing power of Natural Law for its immediate fulfilment,’ Maharishi said.

The practice of Yogic Flying provides the practical demonstration of the ability to project thought from the Unified Field; it develops the ability to act spontaneously in accord with Natural Law for the fulfilment of any desire. Yogic Flying also proves that through the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, anyone can gain the ability to function from the simplest form of their own awareness, and can develop mastery of Natural Law. This programme has proved to be enriching and fulfilling to all fields of life.

Research conducted around the world has shown that only the square root of one per cent of a population practising the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme morning and evening together in one place is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and promote positive trends throughout the whole population.

Just a few hundred individuals practising this technology of consciousness brings life in accord with Natural Law for a whole nation. This is known as the Maharishi Effect, so named by scientists when first discovered in 1974, since Maharishi had predicted this effect in the early 1960’s.

The Global Maharishi Effect was discovered when Maharishi promoted Yogic Flying in large groups. Through the Global Maharishi Effect the ‘field effect’ of consciousness was witnessed, strengthening positive and harmonious trends in world consciousness.

Many carefully controlled experiments on the Maharishi Effect have appeared in leading scientific journals such as the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Crime and Justice, Social Indicators Research, and Journal of Mind and Behavior.

These studies utilized the most advanced and rigorous research designs and statistical methodologies to precisely evaluate the effect of large coherence-creating groups on standard sociological measures of the quality of life in cities, provinces, nations, and the world.

With the Maharishi Effect rising in the world through the growing number of such groups in different countries, world consciousness is being constantly purified. With this purification of world consciousness, old principles that guided life in the age of ignorance are being replaced by new principles that will guide life in the dawning Age of Enlightenment.

The Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, is proving to be a formula to create world peace and create Heaven on Earth—defined by Maharishi as ‘all good to everyone and non-good to no one—the basis of a coherent, and integrated society. A new time of enlightenment and fulfilment for both individuals and nations is dawning in the world.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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