The practice of Transcendental Meditation purifies both our physiology and awareness so that we spontaneously entertain thought that is aligned at all times with the natural force of evolution and is beneficial for ourselves and everything in our environment.
by Global Good News staff writer
27 January 2010
In his book The Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi explains many different areas of life in the light of the knowledge and experience of Being, Transcendental Consciousness, our own unbounded Self.
In the chapter of ‘Art of Thinking’ he explains four main areas involved with the art of thinking—‘right thought,’ ‘useful and creative thought,’ ‘powerful thinking,’ and ‘thoughts to liberate the thinker.’
The first of these four, right thought, Maharishi says is extremely important because a right thought is ‘one that will produce a good, harmonious, useful, and life-supporting influence for the doer and for the entire universe in the present and for all times.’
The thought is spontaneously in accord with the natural process of evolution, producing no harmful effects for either the doer or anyone else. What is the art of thinking that allows the mind to only entertain such constructive thoughts?
Maharishi explains that when the mind gains the state of transcendental Being, or pure consciousness, during Transcendental Meditation, it gains a level of consciousness that is the basis of all the Laws of Nature, the source of all creation and evolution. The art of bringing the mind to Being naturally establishes the mind in such a state that it does entertain only constructive thoughts.
The experience of Being purifies both our physiology and awareness so that we spontaneously entertain thought that is aligned at all times with the natural force of evolution and is beneficial for ourselves and everything in our environment. Maharishi describes this kind of thought and action as being ‘in accord with Natural Law.’
Maharishi also states that it is not possible to entertain thoughts that are always right by trying to think rightly. Maharishi has likened this to trying to put the cart before the horse. Any conscious attempt by the mind to entertain only right thoughts will only mean straining the mind on a level of life over which we have no control.
The mind must ‘be cultured so that by nature it picks up only a right thought,’ Maharishi said. If the mind is not established on the level of Transcendental Consciousness—what Maharishi terms, ‘the level of Cosmic Law’—‘then the discontented mind, hindered by shortsightedness, will not succeed in having only right thoughts.’
Maharishi also points out that there is no way of intellectually ascertaining whether a thought is absolutely right. Even if the rightness of a thought could be judged intellectually, it could be judged only after it has already arisen. ‘The thought could then be scrutinized and it could be found out whether it is right or not. But by that time the thinker and the atmosphere have already been influenced according to the quality of that thought.’
Maharishi concludes that it is not possible to be able to entertain only right thoughts ‘unless the mind develops a state within itself whereby it will entertain only right thoughts. Such a state of mind is not only possible but easy for everyone to achieve’ through daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
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