Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


The full potential of consciousness, characterized by total brain functioning and fully expressed mental and physical capabilities, naturally develops through regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation programme.































Dr Colgan
Kevin Colgan former Principal; Social Studies Teacher Pennsylvania, USA.



The education at a Maharishi School
by Global Good News staff writer
11 January 2010

The knowledge at schools using Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based Education is based upon the most advanced scientific knowledge of our age: the discovery of the Unified Field. Consciousness-Based Education delivers ‘Total Knowledge’ to every student, and promotes total brain functioning—enlightenment—the full development of mind, body and behaviour.

Consciousness-Based Education may sound new, but it is a proven technology that has been used for over 30 years in places such as Iowa (USA), Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Great Britain, India, Denmark, South Africa, China, Thailand, Holland, and Australia.

Consciousness-Based Education is easy to implement. It simply involves students and faculty practising the Transcendental Meditation Technique and its advanced programmes twice a day, along with intellectual study of consciousness and the principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence, developed by Maharishi to explain the development of Creative Intelligence in the students and in the world around them. These easily learnt, effortless techniques and programmes produce ideal education through the development of the student’s inner intelligence.

Established in growing inner happiness and creativity, he or she enjoys learning in an environment that is free of stress and conducive to happiness and friendship.

Moreover, the benefits of this technology of education can be introduced in schools in any culture. Scientific studies on students in both Canada and Taiwan are a good example of this. A longitudinal study of students practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme in four Canadian high schools showed significant improvement in intelligence, creativity, tolerance, self-esteem, and five other personality factors, in comparison to randomly assigned controls.

A longitudinal study of students practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme in three Taiwan high schools showed significant improvement both in practical intelligence and IQ, creativity, and field independence, in comparison to randomly assigned controls, who practised contemplative meditation or napping.

Over the past forty years there have been many such studies replicated at different schools and universities in different countries demonstrating the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and its applicability to a wide variety of educational settings.

Teaching at Maharishi Schools follows Maharishi’s Principles of Ideal Teaching, a body of principles that are an integral part of Consciousness-Based Education and which form the common core of teaching practice at a Maharishi School.

These principles enliven what Maharishi has said to be the five Fundamentals of Education: receptivity, intelligence, knowledge, experience, and expression.

When these fundamentals are fully enlivened, learning is effortless, joyful, successful, and fulfilling. The learning environment is structured to support and nourish all students regardless of learning style, abilities, background, or gender.

Primary emphasis in teaching practice is given to providing comprehensive learning experiences, for students of all ages, which allow them to move through the cycle of knowledge, which Maharishi explains as knowledge, action, achievement, and fulfilment.

Students are encouraged to work actively with the knowledge they are gaining, and to share it with others in a variety of ways. When these Principles of Ideal Teaching are fully lively in the life of the school, the hallmarks of ideal education are realised: enthusiasm for learning; thirst for knowledge; self-referral experience; and appreciation for the teacher.

Kevin Colgan, a former principal, and a social studies teacher, from Pennsylvania, USA, speaks about his experience of this technology for education:
‘As a principal and teacher in both private and public schools for the last 28 years, I feel that the Transcendental Meditation Programme should be an essential component of every educational programme for administrators, teachers, and students. For decades I have observed the profound and far-reaching effects of this programme when implemented in the schools.

‘Its benefits for me personally include being able to remain composed and maintain clarity of thinking in stressful situations; the ability to remain focused on detail while not losing the larger view; a greater appreciation of my good fortune in being a father, son, and teacher; ability to see the good points in “difficult” co-workers and students; and growth of spontaneous feelings of happiness and compassion and the urge to share them.

‘I encourage all superintendents and principals to consider implementing the Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education programme to help in realizing their highest educational goals.’

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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