Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Study of the Science of Creative Intelligence allows students to know the relationship of all things to their own Self, the field of pure consciousness.



Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduces the Science of Creative Intelligence
by Global Good News staff writer
18 January 2009

On 20 October 1972, in Houston, Texas, USA—famed for aerospace and medical research—2,900 people filled Houston's famous Jones Hall to hear another pioneer of human knowledge, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, speak about the Science of Creative Intelligence, the knowledge for the full development of human consciousness.

The Science of Creative Intelligence is the systematic study of Creative Intelligence. ‘It is a very beautiful knowledge about the fundamental value of life,’ Maharishi said. He explained that the fundamental value of life is like the sap in a plant. It is the sap that becomes the stem, and the leaf, and the flower, the red and the green, and the various forms and shapes it takes—but it in itself is unmanifest. That quality-less material, the unmanifest sap, is the basis of all these manifestations and different expressions.

‘Like this, pure intelligence is the basis of all expressed values in creation,’ Maharishi said. ‘How do we know it? On the basis of common sense and also on the basis of special sense, direct experience—both.’

On the level of common sense we infer that there is something behind all we experience in creation. Our experience is that everything around us is growing—trees, animals, birds, man. There is growth everywhere. ‘Everything has physical structure,’ Maharishi continued,  ‘but we are postulating that deep within the physical there must be something that causes change and causes progress through change. 

‘And that we can intelligently say must be intelligence—for the simple reason that we see order in creation. Whereas everywhere there is change, and progress and growth through change, there is also order in change. This orderly aspect of existence has a name of intelligence.’

Maharishi explained that there is some intelligence working at every level of existence—be it finer particles or the molecular or electronic level. There are fine and gross layers of existence, he said, ‘but there is some order in the sequence of progression of life. This order is maintained by what we may attribute to intelligence.

‘Existence has its value in growth,’ Maharishi continued. Everything that exists grows, and this growth is brought about by intelligence. ‘Existence and intelligence go simultaneously. They may be analyzed as two values, but they are existing together. 

‘Existence is not devoid of intelligence, but certainly it has a different characteristic of its own. Pure existence, pure intelligence—these are the fundamental values of creation, and it is these by virtue of which everything is progressing.’

Maharishi commented that what is commonly taught in education mostly is physical values—physics chemistry, astronomy. ‘What is missing in this kind of knowledge,’ he said, ‘is the study of intelligence which is more basic to the physical quality of life. The intelligence which is more basic to the physical structure of life must be studied simultaneously along with the study of physical values.’

All the different branches of learning are dedicated to give knowledge of the physical aspect of life. ‘Science is famous for its objective ways of investigation because it deals with objectivity,’ Maharishi continued. ‘It does not take subjectivity into account. Intelligence is the aspect of subjectivity, and when we have made so much progress in technology through all this research on the physical level of life, what will be the great advantage to civilization and progress when the systematic study of intelligence is available?’

This is the great promise of the Science of Creative Intelligence. It studies that fundamental value of life and locates all the principles that are involved in the development of the qualities of Creative Intelligence.

Again Maharishi said that there is that field of the sap, and there is the process of the sap becoming a leaf and a stem and a tender red petal. ‘[There is] sap,’ he said, ‘and its transformation in to different values. Like that [there is] pure intelligence and its transformation into progressive values of creativity. Just as we see the layers of existence making creation—every layer, and between the subsequent layers, has that which we say intelligence by virtue of which the existence of that is maintained and its progressive values; the mechanics of progress are carried on.

‘So the systematic study of Creative Intelligence gives us or brings to light the pure nature of Creative Intelligence and its application in daily life.’

Excellence in Action will feature the second part of Maharishi's address in which he talks about the seat of Creative Intelligence in man's life.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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