The fundamental field of intelligence can be accessed and fully utilized by humanity to enrich and bring fulfillment to life on earth through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
by Global Good News staff writer
19 January 2010
On 20 October 1972, in Houston, Texas, USA—famed for aerospace and medical research—almost 3,000 people filled Jones Hall to hear another pioneer of human knowledge, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Science of Creative Intelligence, speak about this new knowledge for the full development of human consciousness.
In the first part of his talk, Maharishi explains the nature of life as existence and intelligence. Non-physical intelligence is at the basis of all physical manifestation. It is responsible for all the growth and progress we see in creation. The study of this pure intelligence is missing in education and, Maharishi says, both non-physical intelligence and physical matter must be studied alongside each other.
This is the value of adding study of the Science of Creative Intelligence alongside study of the disciplines of physics, chemistry, etc. ‘It will be the great advantage to civilization and progress when the systematic study of intelligence is available,’ Maharishi said.
Continuing his talk, Maharishi posed the question, where is the seat of Creative Intelligence in the life of the individual? He pointed out that in plants, it is in the sap. The sap is beyond the green, even as it is on the surface of the green, because every fibre of the plant is nothing but sap. ‘So the sap is hidden from view and its expressed value is open to view,’ Maharishi said.
In the same way intelligence is found functioning underneath any phenomenon, even though it is responsible for the surface value of the phenomenon as well. It is something that is permeating and pervading life.
‘Such an aspect of existence which is permeating everywhere, which is basic to life, must be brought to our notice,’ Maharishi continued. ‘The result will be that being familiar with the fundamental value of life, we will be able to handle all its expressions, all its manifestations—all different fields of behaviour, the fields of health and education and behaviour. All these various aspects of life, they are just the expressions of the Creative Intelligence, which is unexpressed, like the sap.’
The Science of Creative Intelligence offers a systematic study—not only theoretical study, theoretical knowledge—but also direct experience of the pure nature of Creative Intelligence. It offers direct experience of the mechanics of how Creative Intelligence spreads out into the outer field of activity—‘from the unmanifest, pure field how Creative Intelligence expresses itself into action, into behaviour,’ Maharishi said.
‘This study—that is, knowledge and the experience of pure intelligence—makes our mind more fully alive,’ Maharishi continued. ‘This is the technical benefit of it. Once we know what it is, once we have experienced how it is and we know how it develops into daily life, then we can draw more and more of it and use more and more of it in daily life in a spontaneous manner.’
If something that is out of sight comes to our awareness, then it is possible to draw from there at will. ‘If we know the mechanics, it may be possible to keep on drawing even without making effort to draw,’ Maharishi said. ‘This is the great practical value that this study of Science of Creative Intelligence offers.
‘The whole thing is very simple, because intelligence is the intimate aspect of our life. It is the essential content of life. It is the basic value of life and knowing it, being aware of it, we are able to make use of it in abundance.
‘All of man's life today, as ever, is in need of that knowledge of the fundamental value of life. Anyone who knows how to operate on the level of the sap can provide a particular fertilizer at the root and create maybe some white lines on the green leaf or yellow lines on the pinky petal. One has just to know how to operate on the level of the sap.’
In a subsequent article presenting this historic address in Houston, Maharishi speaks further about the value of 'this mastery on the level of the sap.'
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