This diagram shows the area of increased coherence in the prefrontal cortex that occurs during the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
This diagram, discussed in this article, shows in the bottom section that brain wave coherence between the left and right frontal sides of the brain was almost 100% as soon as the individual tested started TM (section to the right of the pink bar).
by Global Good News staff writer
5 July 2010
In a video demonstration of the coherence created in the brain through the Transcendental Meditation Technique, Dr Alarik Arenander, Director of the Brain Research Institute at
Maharishi University of Management, presented an EEG example of the experience of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme.
Dr Arenander explained that the top line of the EEG measurement shows the EEG for the left front of the brain; the second line shows the right front brain EEG; and the bottom line shows the oscillation from more to less of the EEG coherence between the left and right frontal alpha EEG.
The maximum is 1 or 100% and a red line across the screen indicates .9. The scale goes from 0-100%.
The individual being tested sat with eyes closed for a few moments and then began the practice of Transcendental Meditation. After starting the practice it took less than half a second to produce high amplitude of local coherence on both left and right hand side of the brain, as indicated by the similarity of the signals, the waveforms produced on the screen of the EEG machine.
'This similarity is borne out by careful calculation of the EEG coherence [the oscillation shown on the bottom line of the screen],' Dr Arenander said.
Right at the start of Transcendental Meditation, coherence maximized and stayed most of the time above 90%, 'which is extraordinary,' Dr Arenander said, 'because the normal range of coherence is somewhere between 30 and 40% for an individual.
'This individual has very good brain coherence even when they're not meditating—which is averaging around 60%. When they start meditating, within less than a second, they go to that very high level.'
A bibliography of samples of research, including brain functioning, published in more than 100 scientific journals, is presented by Maharishi University of Management.
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