New graduates of the Teacher Training Course feel that their understanding and appreciation of Maharishi's knowledge has been enriched and they are eager to share their knowledge with others.
by Global Good News staff writer
21 June 2010
The Global Mother Divine Organization recently honoured graduates of the Ladies Transcendental Meditation Training Course held in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA.
The ladies leading the celebration commented that it had been so inspiring to be with these graduates that they hoped to inspire many more ladies to become teachers of Transcendental Meditation, because opportunities to teach this Total Knowledge are bubbling up everywhere—opportunities for ladies to bring the fullness of life to everyone and continue to fulfil Maharishi's goal to create Heaven on Earth.
Maharishi said that there is no greater profession than that of the teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. There is no greater act of charity than providing everyone with something that will directly elevate them and assist in their evolution.
During the Global Mother Divine Organization celebration, recent graduates of the Ladies Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course spoke about their motivation to become teachers of Transcendental Meditation, the transformations that took place while on the course, and the plans that they have now that they are teachers.
Olivia from Maharishi Vedic City in Fairfield, Iowa, said that her desire to become a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Programme has been strong for a long time. Her mother was chairperson of their local Transcendental Meditation centre when they lived in Germany many years ago and now her parents teach in the Chicago area.
She commented that she has been lucky to have always been around very inspirational teachers especially while attending Maharishi School of the Enlightenment and now as a student at Maharishi University of Management. She has experienced first hand the value of Transcendental Meditation and becoming a teacher of the technique allows her to always be connected to the source of knowledge in the Vedic Tradition.
'I want to be a voice of change to create peace in the world,' she said. Maharishi said the best way to do this is to 'water the root to enjoy the fruit'**. Every teacher of Transcendental Meditation 'is creating change in our people so that we can have a peaceful world. I feel Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment and Maharishi University of Management have been a great foundation for me to gain Maharishi's knowledge, but this Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course has given me so much more.
'Not only did I receive all this knowledge directly from Maharishi [in videotapes played on the course] but I also learnt how capable I am in creating change and bringing this knowledge and technique to everyone in the world. You can hear Maharishi's knowledge from your parents and your teachers,’ she said, ‘but really receiving it directly from Maharishi, directly from the source, is the most valuable that I have learnt to appreciate on the Teacher Training Course.'
Olivia's plans include teaching her fellow students at Maharishi University of Management, where she is currently taking the MBA programme. She will also teach with her parents in the Chicago area and on any other projects that are needed.
Miriam, a young lady from Belgium, has also wanted to be a teacher of Transcendental Meditation for many years. Her mother has been a teacher since before Miriam was born and her father is a practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. Her older brother has been on the Purusha programme for many years, taking part in projects for the Global Country of World Peace.
Miriam worked with her brother for the last few years, so the desire that has been there since she was a little girl has just grown over time and 'really reached its fulfilment with me being able to join this beautiful course here in Maharishi Vedic City,' she said on the Global Mother Divine broadcast.
Miriam said that the main thing she has learnt was a very practical way of how to realize Maharishi's plans in a more effective way—‘whereas before I would be much more outwardly focused on who do I need to talk to, what needs to get done, and what activity do I need to undertake to get results.
'I learnt to dive much more within, to find the bliss within and the happiness within, and leverage that more to gain the support of Nature and work from that level,’ she said. ‘Even being out of the Teacher Training Course for just one week, I can feel so much how that's such a difference, and how I'm just more effective and more happy in the whole process.
'So that has been really a gift for life. Obviously all of us on the course have learnt how to teach people Transcendental Meditation and that is such a beautiful gift. . . but the course has been so much more than that, just in terms of my own evolution and learning more about myself and how to be a better version of myself.'
A fellow graduate of the Teacher Training Course from South Africa has also always wanted to teach Transcendental Meditation, especially to children, because 'children are the future generation of today's world, and I wanted them to be close to Maharishi's incredible knowledge. They will be such enlightened leaders of the world through Transcendental Meditation as the foundation to unfold their full potential and bring out the creativity within themselves.’
She said that the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course has enriched and transformed her by giving her a clearer understanding and appreciation of Maharishi's knowledge. ‘I feel that every person should learn this beautiful knowledge so that mankind can live and experience Heaven on Earth,’ she continued.
‘My deepest desire is to teach many young ladies and mothers in the Indian community. My other priority will be to teach in the schools and create my own Consciousness-Based School as I want every child to have what my children have been so blessed with, Consciousness-Based Education.
'I know that this is the desire of every mother deep in her heart, that her children will have the knowledge they need in order to live happy, healthier lives, and never know suffering again. My achievement was to raise my children and family in perfect health and success in life through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation.
'Now that I have my own family I have the opportunity to create harmony, peace, prosperity, and everlasting nourishing power for mothers and the young ladies of the world.' She encouraged all ladies to join the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course, 'to start now, and never waste a minute.'
‘Whisper infinity:’ This is a beautiful expression Maharishi used for the process of teaching Transcendental Meditation, when the teacher gives a new student the personal instruction and guidance necessary for experiencing Transcendental Consciousness.
** ‘Water the root to enjoy the fruit’: An analogy Maharishi used that exemplifies how the experience of Transcendental Consciousness enriches every area of life.
Excellence in Action will feature a second article, in which another graduate speaks about her experience of the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course, and a long time teacher of Transcendental Meditation gives her experience of having taught the technique for many years.
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