'The Teachers of Transcendental Meditation are the founders of Heaven on Earth. They have that regenerative role in the history of mankind.'
by Global Good News staff writer
22 June 2010
Continuing the article about the celebration by the Global Mother Divine Organization of graduates of the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course, another lady graduate of the course for ladies recently completed in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA, said that growing up in the Transcendental Meditation Movement as a child, she took the course so that she could remain an active part of it wherever she goes. Coming from India, she wanted to do her part in helping the organization expand, especially in her own country.
'Of the time spent on the Teacher Training Course, every minute was truly a learning experience and every area had a perfect reason,' she said. The course has been a turning point in her life, 'and this intimate and precious experience will silently and unassumingly continue to guide me through my activities.'
She said that starting a life afresh as teachers, with a new responsibility and trust that has been given to us, she feels safe and confident under the Vedic Tradition 'to step forward and share and spread this precious knowledge and bring it to every home.'
During this global celebration by the Global Mother Divine Organization, long-term teachers of Transcendental Meditation also gave their experience of teaching the technique full time around the world.
A lady from Quebec Province in Canada, who has been a teacher since 1977 and was teaching full time with her husband, related that after having a child and then studying for some years, she and her husband went to Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, to become recertified as teachers. Rather than continuing with a PhD as planned, she then found herself back in Quebec City teaching Transcendental Meditation again full time, and they have a very successful new centre.
She is also trained as a practitioner in Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, which she has found to be a very good tool to encourage people to learn Transcendental Meditation. 'It is really a lot of fun to teach,' she said. 'People are so open to this knowledge. Not only open, they want it . . . They want something deep and they like it a lot. So I think I will teach for quite a long time and my husband with me.'
Another lady took the Teacher Training Course in South Africa in 2007 and returned to Ghana as the first lady teacher of Transcendental Meditation in her country. 'As the National Director of the Global Mother Divine Organization for Ghana,' she said during the celebration, 'I am involved in many projects especially in the area of education.'
She said that there is an after school programme in which many students are now practising Transcendental Meditation. With the dedicated and very knowledgeable help of the Director for the Foundation for Total Knowledge-Based Education for Ghana, they are planning an Invincibility School for 500 girls to create the number of Yogic Flyers required to create invincibility for Ghana.
'Every day is so full,' she said. 'I am very eager for more Ghanaian ladies to be trained as teachers of Transcendental Meditation to help with these projects and many more that can be undertaken as soon as we have more teachers.'
Janet, a full time teacher from New York City, became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation in 1971 and a few years later joined Maharishi's international staff in Europe where she taught Teacher Training Courses under Maharishi’s guidance. This she did for a few years and her experience in both taking and leading the courses 'was the same in the sense that every day in every conceivable way, listening to Maharishi's tapes, learning how to teach—whether the topic was the development of consciousness or learning how to check someone's meditation—one is breathing in Maharishi's knowledge,’ she said, ‘breathing in the most profound truths of life, and one is aligning oneself with the Vedic Tradition.
'I found the experience to be heightening,' she said, 'riveting, and life transforming.' After teaching the Teacher Training Courses, she returned to New York City to teach Transcendental Meditation. ‘In teaching one encounters people coming to the centre somewhat wary and nervous,’ she continued, ‘and then watch them be transformed by learning the technique and leaving having experienced something very blissful and profound.’
Janet told a story about being a young and brand new teacher, and doubting whether she would be able to teach properly. The first person she taught was a very sophisticated, accomplished, middle-aged architect. But just following Maharishi's instructions, the whole thing went so beautifully, and when she turned to the man to ask about his experience, the architect looked at her with a very serious expression and said, 'I have never known a joy so profound.'
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