Through his research, Atreya Dey expects to find a cost-effective and better technology to clean waterways polluted by herbicides and pesticides as a step towards finding a solution to the global water crisis.
by Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment website
7 June 2010
Atreya Dey, a Maharishi School junior in Fairfield, Iowa, has been selected as one of 15 Herbert Hoover Award Recipients and a member of the twelfth class of Hoover Uncommon Students. Dey submitted a proposal for a scientific research project on water pollution. He will be working under Dr. S. Mallapragada, the Stanley Chair at Iowa State University, over the summer.
The full details of Dey's study will be revealed after he has finished conducting preliminary research. "I am expecting to find a cost-effective and better alternative (to current technology) for cleaning the streams and rivers polluted by herbicides and pesticides as a step towards finding a solution to the global water crisis," he explained.
The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award is a $5,000 scholarship program for Iowa high school juniors. The program annually honors up to 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish a project of their own choosing and design.
In a letter of acceptance to Dey, the executive director of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, Rebeckah Allgood, wrote "You, your family and your school can be very proud of your accomplishment, which reflects well on the quality of your project proposal and your understanding of the work of Herbert Hoover. In offering your personal best and being selected for this award, you follow in the steps of Herbert Hoover.
As former Iowa Governor Harold Hughes once said: 'The story of Herbert Hoover is the story of the fulfillment of the American dream in which...through hard work and diligence, (a man or a woman) can enjoy the best the world has to offer. Mr. Hoover went a step further. He gave back to the world, selflessly and tirelessly until the last year of his life, the best he had to offer.' "
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