Dr Travis explained that what you get in Maharishi Vedic Science is the understanding of who you are and what your potential is.
by Global Good News staff writer
3 May 2010
In an interview given at Maharishi University of Management, Dr Fred Travis, Chair of the Department of Maharishi Vedic Science; Director, Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition; and Dean of the Graduate School of Maharishi University of Management, spoke about Maharishi Vedic Science, explaining the difference between Vedic Science and modern science, and what you might expect from studying Maharishi Vedic Science.
Dr Travis explained that modern science goes ‘outside’ and tries to understand what underlies objects, why people behave, why people think. ‘It's always looking outside to see those fundamental principles,’ Dr Travis said.
‘Maharishi Vedic Science includes that means of gaining knowledge—it's called the objective means of gaining knowledge—but Maharishi Vedic Science includes the subjective means of gaining knowledge.’
This subjective means of gaining knowledge is part of a tradition of knowledge—the Vedic Tradition of knowledge from India—and rather than looking outside to understand life, the teachers ‘in the Vedic Tradition looked inside,’ Dr Travis said.
‘They asked, “What is underlying my thoughts? Where are my thoughts coming from? Where's the creativity, where's the intelligence of my thoughts? Who am I? Am I my thoughts? Am I my body? Am I my possessions, my social status? Who am I?”
‘What they found was that underlying every thought was a field of intelligence,’ Dr Travis continued. ‘Our thoughts are like waves: specific expressions of an underlying field or reservoir of intelligence. They found that the experience of this reservoir of intelligence, of creativity, was the experience of their most universal nature.’
Dr Travis explained that in this experience they found that everything settles down—‘your thoughts, your evaluations, your perceptions, your images, your visualizations, your intentions, your mental chatter’—everything settles down but something remains.
‘And that's just the experience of I am, this Being,’ Dr Travis said. ‘This experience is found to be underlying not only all of our mental activity, but that experience is found to be the fundamental level of life, of intelligence, underlying all of life.’
Dr Travis said that Maharishi Vedic Science takes the farthest understanding from the field of physics—that underneath every piece of matter is a non-material field of intelligence—and the experience from the Vedic Tradition—that underlying every thought is a field of intelligence—and found them to be the same. ‘It puts those together,’ he said.
‘So what you get in Maharishi Vedic Science is the understanding of who you are; how you relate to the environment; and of the most that you can do and be.’
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