Even children can easily learn and practise the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
by Global Good News staff writer
10 May 2010
Transcendental Meditation is a very simple, natural procedure for experiencing finer levels of the thinking process and to arrive at the source of thought, the pure field of Creative Intelligence or pure consciousness, within. During this inner mental experience the body gains deep rest—which research has shown to be deeper than the rest of a night’s sleep.
This unique state of rest allows accumulated stress and fatigue to naturally be released. The experience of ‘restful alertness’ during Transcendental Meditation has a profound effect on all areas of one’s life--one’s health, creativity, relationships, and even on the collective consciousness in one’s environment.
In answer to a question about what Transcendental Meditation is and how it is taught, Maharishi explained that pure awareness, unbounded awareness, is at the source of thought and through the practice of Transcendental Meditation the awareness reaches that source of thought. ‘One feels relaxed; one feels happy inside. Worries and anxieties disappear,’ he said.
‘Transcendental Meditation is a practice for 15-20 minutes morning and evening and everyone feels fresh throughout the day—more vital, more energetic,’ Maharishi said. ‘Transcendental Meditation is a procedure for enrichment of life, for betterment of life, for more success and more progress, and more joy of life.’
Maharishi explained that Transcendental Meditation is taught in seven steps. [In the first step] a man is told how much better he will become physically; how much better he will become mentally—‘his behaviour will improve; all his anxieties they disappear,’ Maharishi said.
A man is told in the beginning what benefits he will get, and then he is told how reliable the practice of Transcendental Meditation is [the second step]. Maharishi explained that he had been teaching around the world for many years so it is reliable. ‘People should know that it is something that is reliable; something which is simple, that everyone can do, and the effects are great. When they know this, then they want to practise it,’ he said.
Every individual is given personal instruction separately [steps three and four]. Maharishi explained that he trains the teachers from different parts of the world, and ‘these teachers in their areas, speaking their own language, teach to the people. One begins to learn how to meditate—how the experience of finer state of thought makes the mental activity settle down and when activity of the mind settles down, one feels very much relaxed. One feels wide-awake inside, more vitality.’
It takes about half an hour to learn the practice [step four] and then for three days [steps five, six, and seven] the teacher checks and validates the experiences. 'During meditation one begins to feel better,’ Maharishi said.
‘Throughout the day one begins to feel more vital, more wide-awake. So these experiences during meditation and experiences during the whole day when one is working, they are verified [with the teacher]—whether a man has understood the correct practice or not.
‘The practice is very simple, very natural. It's effortless, but we want to see whether a man begins to feel good right from the first day. So it's very simple to teach; it's very simple to learn, and it's very good for life,’ Maharishi
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