When our perceptions become more refined and purer due to the regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, all of life becomes delightful entertainment.
by Global Good News staff writer
23 October 2010
Entertainment of the most satisfying kind lies right within each of us. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, particularly spoke of this ‘inner entertainment’ in describing an advanced programme for Transcendental Meditation practitioners, the TM-Sidhi Programme.
Maharishi said, ‘This inner entertainment, which is obtained while practising the TM-Sidhi Programme, is much more satisfying than any other kind of entertainment because of its variety and the fineness of our perception. It is also the basis on which all other pleasures can be enjoyed. Without this inner delight our ability to enjoy life becomes so poor and limited that great joys pass by us unnoticed.’
Encouraging all people to turn their attention towards the finer values in life, harmonious relationships, and fulfilment of both inner and outer fields of joy, Maharishi emphasized the simplicity of the TM-Sidhi Programme techniques. ‘Even an illiterate person who begins the practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme will gain knowledge of the wholeness of life. One does not need to read or write to become a Sidha or an enlightened person,’ he said. The TM-Sidhi Programme belongs to everyone, being ‘supervised by that field of pure consciousness and all possibilities which lies within every individual.’
The opportunity to learn inner entertainment
The TM-Sidhi Programme is the next natural step for practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Technique. Through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, the individual’s mind effortlessly settles down and goes beyond thought to a field in which consciousness is left by itself, alert within itself, but without any object of perception. More mental clarity, better health, and improved relationships naturally and spontaneously result from bringing the mind to that level which Maharishi describes as a field of all possibilities and the home of all the Laws of Nature.
As continued practice causes the level of consciousness to become more refined, purer, and more expanded, the simple TM-Sidhi Techniques may be added to the basic practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique allowing the individual to think and act from that field of all possibilities lying within himself.
While a life lived without bringing this field of all possibilities to conscious awareness is plagued by mistakes and ups and downs, a life lived with awareness based in pure consciousness, deeply rooted in pure consciousness, enjoys that abstract field as a living reality in day to day life. The Sidha delights in his daily activities, performing them with great skill and effectiveness, easily achieving things which may have otherwise seemed miraculous.
Maharishi put the significance of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes into perspective in his invitation to every individual to take full advantage of them. ‘It is the call of time that now the Transcendental Meditation Programme should accompany all other activities. This will make all our actions divine. Every individual has the chance today to become fully knowledgeable, fully successful and a perfect human being. The mind and the body will be freed from all discomfort and disease. It is essential for every individual, whatever his beliefs and way of life, to learn the Transcendental Meditation Technique and to become a Sidha.’
Spreading the joy of enlightenment to the world
The Maharishi Principle of Reciprocity explains that becoming a Meditator and Sidha not only benefits the individual but also the society. As an individual meditates, the rise of the purity of his consciousness affects his whole environment, the collective consciousness around him. This, in turn, accelerates his evolution setting off ‘a never-ending upward spiral of rising consciousness’ for both the individual and the society.
In this context, Maharishi further explained the importance of learning the TM-Sidhi Programme. ‘Being a Sidha is, of course, beneficial for the individual, but it is much more fruitful for the society in which he lives, because just one Sidha is enough to hold the negative tendencies of 100,000 other persons in check. The creation of Sidhas will mean that illnesses will end or become very few in society, and wars and disharmony, too, will disappear. All weaknesses and negative aspects [of life] will end. Society will be ideal, and every nation will be invincible.’
Life will flourish with all good everywhere and non-good nowhere. Through the TM-Sidhi Programme, life will be lived from the level of enlightenment. It is this level, Maharishi explained, that is really the field of entertainment. ‘Through the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, all the activity in the universe becomes one’s own activity,’ he said. ‘Then the whole life becomes a continuum of excellent entertainment.’ (see The Transcendental Meditation Pocket Book, p. 43)
Editor’s note: All quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the Foreword of Maharishi’s book entitled, Enlightenment to Every Individual Invincibility to Every Nation.
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