Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Practising the Transcendental Meditation Technique enlivens the Unified Field in consciousness, so that one often feels that 'the whole world is my family.'



Enlivening unity in diversity
by Global Good News staff writer
26 October 2010

During his press conference in Amsterdam, Holland, on 13 September 2006, Dr David Lynch, renowned film director and founder of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, was asked whether he considered Transcendental Meditation a religion.

He answered that this technique 'has nothing to do with religion, in a way. It's not against any religion. People from all religions practise Transcendental Meditation,' Dr Lynch said. 'And as they say, what they find is understanding grows and appreciation grows when you transcend and experience this field—it’s us.

'It's so familiar. It's so beautifully familiar; so powerful. People appreciate their religion more and they understand their religion more. It just goes like that,’ Dr Lynch answered.

Another member of the press asked whether Dr Lynch thought people would become less superficial if they meditate. 'Yes,' Dr Lynch said. He explained that on the surface we are all different. There are many different kinds of flowers, all different colours, in a garden, 'but at the level of the soil, all [are] united. So when you learn Transcendental Meditation and dive all the way within, it's like the little flower diving within and experiencing the unbounded ocean of nutrients of the soil and enlivening that.'

One begins to appreciate diversity so much more, Dr Lynch said, and in this appreciation there could not be an enemy. 'Everybody is a friend. Everybody looks so friendly and so familiar. At this fundamental level we are all one,' he continued.

'We are a world family, and it can be that way by enlivening this field of unity in the midst of diversity. The individual does it; the individual enlivens this beautiful field, grows in that, and realizes their full potential, which is enlightenment.

'If Transcendental Meditation is done in a group, with advanced techniques [the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and Yogic Flying], that group will enliven so much of this field of unity that they can bring peace to a country, and if the group is big enough, peace to the world.'

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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