![boys meditating](images/isreal-boys-a.jpg)
Since introducing the Transcendental Meditation Programme in the school, there is more of a calm feeling in the school and a pleasant educational atmosphere.
After practising the Transcendental Meditation Technique, the teachers in the school are more integrated, joyful, and tolerant.
by Global Good News staff writer
12 October 2010
The Arab Muslim village of Daburia is situated on the Western slopes of Mount Tabor in Israel. The village high school was in danger of closing due to a high level of violence and a low level of academic achievement. Almost overnight its school became one of the best schools in Israel and has received the National Education Award in 2008 and 2009.
Abed Elsalam Masalcha, the High School Principal, reports that the school has been one of the leading schools not only in the Arab sector, but in the whole country.
About four to five years ago, there was a drop both in learning and discipline, which caused a fall in academic achievements, especially in matriculation results. This also caused a fall in values, Mr Masalcha said, which made it hard to teach in the school. 'This situation forced us—all of the school system—to find ways to change this condition. It was then that we were introduced to Transcendental Meditation. We started with the teachers, then with the students, and then we started to feel changes within the school.'
There were internal changes—the behaviour, discipline, and motivation of the students. 'We noticed all this, and today when all the school practises Transcendental Meditation, we can feel the calm in the school. We can feel the discipline.
'Now we don't have to shout at every small thing or fight the students—that was how it used to be. Now it is enough to talk to the students. They are calm, we are calm, the system is calm, and there is a pleasant educational atmosphere,' Mr Masalcha said. 'We feel this now after daily meditation practice with the students, which elicits meaningful changes to the school.'
Mr Nagib Atrash, former principal of the school and the Teachers Committe Chairman, also commented that a few years ago the school was really on the brink of collapse in every sphere. 'Many teachers threatened to quit and some of them left the school,' he reports. Many students dropped out of the system and went to other schools. Teachers went looking for alternative sources of employment.
'This project—their meditation project—was accepted by the teachers, and this caused the teachers themselves to be more integrated. There is a feeling of joy in the teachers' room. The relation between the teachers and the students is a lot more tolerant, more accepting.’
This caused change on two levels: firstly there was peace within the school and secondly, peace outside the school with the village, the local council, and parents. ‘In the past the parents did not want to set foot in the school. Now they are happy to visit and often come to the teachers' room.
'You can feel the change here,’ Mr Atrash continued. ‘The school is quiet; it's a nice place to be, it's a nice place to learn. You don't just see it, you can feel it. The parents feel it. The students feel it. Everybody feels it.'
Excellence in Action will soon feature a second article with comments from the students at this school about the effects of their Transcendental Meditation practice.
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