Kabuika Kamunga appreciates that, at MUM, developing the consciousness of the student is central to the knowledge being studied and the process of gaining knowledge.
Kabuika hosted “Global Overnight” on Chicago Public Radio.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA, USA, Achievements
1 September 2010
Kabuika Kamunga is a journalist who came to Maharishi University of Management to learn the Transcendental Meditation technique and study business.
Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kabuika received an undergraduate degree in chemistry from Roosevelt University in Chicago and an MS in Journalism from Northwestern University in Chicago. She has worked as a freelance journalist and as a radio host for Chicago Public Radio. Wary of the hectic schedule and unhealthy lifestyle her job entailed, she found herself at a Visitors Weekend at MUM and was immediately drawn to the peaceful environment.
Kabuika is now doing her MBA in Sustainable Business and Marketing and likes the stress-free structure of the curriculum. She also learned the TM-Sidhi program and enjoys participating in the extended Super Radiance program during school breaks. Following a balanced routine and diet, Kabuika discovered that by taking care of herself, she can be more productive.
Kabuika appreciates that, at MUM, developing the consciousness of the student is central to the knowledge being studied and the process of gaining knowledge. “In the Masters program in Journalism, the focus was on the story, everything else didn’t matter,” she said. “Here, you, the knower, are part of the equation of the known and the whole process. It was amazing to realize that and experience it every day.”
Last year, Kabuika studied film-making for a semester, exploring her storytelling skills with a new media, and produced a 20-minute documentary called “Marcia’s Last Feast” about a retired woman having to sell her house in the depressed housing market in order to move into a retirement home.
As a journalist, Kabuika has worked in South Africa and she is interested in producing documentaries about the human spirit. Using her experience in journalism, radio, and film, she wants to report positive stories from the African Continent. As a business student, Kabuika is excited about sustainable business and being able to care for people and the environment while doing business.
“Kabuika has an encompassing world vision and really lives the expression The world is my family, said David Goodman, Director of the MBA in Sustainable Business program.
Watch a great short video of the interview with Kabuika.
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