With the Unified Field-based approach to the invincibility of nations and the elimination and prevention of all problems, heaven on earth can become a living reality.
by Global Good News staff writer
16 September 2010
In the second part of his talk in answer to a question during the Press Conference on 4 April 2007, Dr Bevan Morris explained how the unified field of consciousness experienced during the Transcendental Meditation Programme and the Unified Field of Natural Law discovered by modern quantum physics are one and the same.
Dr Morris explained that when quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin speaks about the laws of Electromagnetism, the Strong Force, the Weak Force, the Gravitational Force, and in the fundamental kinds of particles that are there—the bosons and the fermions—he speaks of them as vibrations of one single field, a universal field, or Unified Field. The Unified Field of Consciousness in Vedic Science and the Unified Field of Natural Law in modern science can be understood in terms of each other because they are describing exactly the same thing.
‘It is a confluence of two great traditions of knowledge,’ Dr Morris said—the Vedic Knowledge of the Unified Field and the modern scientific knowledge of the Unified Field—‘they come together now.’
In this final part of his talk, Dr Morris explained that this area of life ‘is Dr Hagelin’s great speciality; and why the press should grasp every opportunity to talk to him and be enlightened by him—he knows both these things. He is a brilliant quantum physicist, and he is the greatest quantum physicist because he knows both these angles. He has had the experience through the Vedic Knowledge and has understood it completely from a living master of that field, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.’
Dr Morris explained that Dr Hagelin understands the Unified Field in great detail—in terms of modern science, as a quantum physicist; and he knows how to show the identity of these two understandings of modern science and Vedic Science in very precise and elaborate detail at the level of the equations of the Unified Field and their correspondence to the basic structures of Vedic sound itself.
‘Vedic Knowledge and modern scientific knowledge can be understood in terms of each other because they are the same knowledge, the same thing,’ Dr Morris emphasized again.
‘However, the Vedic Knowledge, as Dr Hagelin will point out to you, has the advantage that it provides technologies of the Unified Field, the deep experience of the Unified Field by groups of Yogic Flyers,’ Dr Morris said.
These technologies of the Unified Field trigger the power of that field—which Maharishi calls the Constitution of the Universe—these technologies of consciousness trigger the extraordinary qualities of that fundamental field of creation, allowing it to take a very prominent role in the life of every individual and every nation, to support the government of every nation and the people of every nation, so that the problems that have existed up until now simply will not be there.
‘The support of that totality of Natural Law in the Unified Field for the nation to be invincible, healthy, happy and peaceful, full of good food and all good things, will come when the groups of people apply the Unified Field, use the Unified Field,’ Dr Morris emphasized.
‘The Unified Field is not an intellectual gossip now,’ he said. ‘It is not just a mathematical delight for the two hundred physicists of the world who actually understand the equations. It is an actual, practical, living reality as it was in the ancient times of Vedic India, when it was said, “Raam Raj dukh kahu na vyapa”—“In the reign of Raam [one of the ancient, most enlightened Kings of India] suffering belonged to no one.” There was no suffering at all.
‘That time is now coming back into the world,’ Dr Morris continued, ‘because of the Unified Field-based approach to the invincibility of nations and to the elimination and prevention of all problems in the world.
‘When we say “Raam”, we do not just mean the ancient king, Raam. “Raam Brahm paramarath rupa” is another expression from the Vedic Tradition,’ Dr Morris explained. ‘“Raam” actually means Brahm. Brahm is the Totality, the totality of Natural Law.
‘So, when we speak of the reign of that reality of Raam, it is the reign of that reality of the Totality which is the administrator of the entire universe. Let us give a hand to that, and then we will be able to create a really heavenly world.’
Dr Morris concluded by saying that it will be a joy for the press to witness and report the continuing transformation of the world to greater unity of the family of nations; to permanent peace in the family of nations; and to affluence for every nation on earth.
‘And it will be a joy for every nation on earth to fly high the flag of invincibility and to really feel completely fulfilled in its administration, particularly on the level of prevention of all suffering in the life of the nation.’
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