Tthe largest contingents of international students at MUM come from Ethiopia, Nepal, and China.
by Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, The Review
17 September 2010
The trend toward increased enrollment at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) continued this fall, with 125 new undergraduate students arriving in August. Increases were seen in both U.S. and international students.
Brad Mylett said that this year there were more inquiries, more applications, and more referrals than in recent years and that several factors contribute to the increase, including the increased interest in the Transcendental Meditation technique in the U.S. and other countries and the presence of MUM on the Internet and on social media websites.
He said that an important factor was the large number of referrals, with over half of the students saying that they became interested in attending MUM after hearing about it from someone.
"It's an interesting group," said Ken Daley, who led the students on a four-day "base camp" in the Ozark mountains earlier this month. "There's a large number of non-traditional students who are returning to college as well as a large number just out of high school."
Overall, the University had 1,167 students from 78 different countries enrolled as of the beginning of September. The number is expected to rise to around 1,300 after the arrival of new graduate students in October who will be enrolling in the MS in computer science professionals program and in the accounting MBA program.
This year the largest contingents of international students hail from Ethiopia, Nepal, and China.
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