Dr Robert Roth explained that the unique value of Transcendental Meditation is that it effortlessly gives anyone, who practices it, access to the eternal, unbounded Unified Field of life.
by Global Good News staff writer
2 September 2010
Dr Robert Roth, Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace in the United States, commented recently on the Maharishi Channel that since Maharishi first started teaching the Transcendental Meditation Technique around the world in the early 1960's, there is now a widespread understanding that the word meditation means better health. The word meditation means peace of mind.
The word meditation is not an unusual term; it's not strange. ‘It's becoming more and more mainstream. People associate meditation with something positive,’ he said.
Now when people come to learn Transcendental Meditation, their questions are not so much what is this going to do for me—they want to know the benefits for high blood pressure or anxiety, but they want to know how Transcendental Meditation is different from other forms of meditation.
Our emphasis is now on the word Transcendental, the Transcendent, Dr Roth said. Transcendental Meditation does not control the mind, he explained, or try to relax the mind. This meditation opens the awareness to the Transcendent, Transcendental Consciousness, one's own Self, he said.
Collective consciousness in the world is rising so much now, Dr Roth continued, due to all of Maharishi's programmes around the world. ‘Now when they seek out Transcendental Meditation, the people want to know about that which is beyond the senses. They want to understand that which is hidden from view. They want to understand the Transcendent.'
So we are focussing on bringing the Transcendental to light, Dr Roth said. ‘It has always been there. The Unified Field of modern science has been known as pure consciousness from ancient times from the Vedic Tradition.
'But Transcendental Meditation provides access to that field of life, that unbounded, infinite field of life,' Dr Roth said. ‘So if you want to know how Transcendental Meditation differs from other forms of meditation, it's not just because it's effortless and brings great benefit to one’s health [for high blood pressure, relief from stress etc.]; it produces this because it gives every human being access to the Transcendent, and it is the Transcendent that transforms life. It's the Transcendent, [one's own Self] that eliminates problems.
'This ancient, eternal field of life, sought after by the wise throughout the ages is now available to school children; it's now available to soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan; to business people; to the elderly.
That field is now available through Transcendental Meditation.’
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