The field of pure consciousness is ultimately that one element in Nature on the ground of which the infinite variety of creation is continuously emerging, growing, and dissolving.
by Global Good News staff writer
11 September 2010
In the Global Press Conference held at MERU, Holland, on 4 April 2007, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and leading educator in the field of Consciousness-Based Education, answered a question from the Press about understanding ancient Vedic Science in the language of modern science.
Dr Morris explained that the Vedic Rishis or sages of the ancient Vedic Tradition of India, did research in consciousness by virtue of their deep practice of meditation. They were able to dive deeper and deeper into their individual consciousness. At the basis of their individual consciousness they discovered, they experienced, a universal ocean of consciousness or intelligence.
‘They discovered that this single, universal ocean of consciousness is actually the source of every individual and of every plant and animal and mountain and sea and nation and world and solar system and galaxy and universe,’ Dr Morris said.
Everything is based in one universal field, Dr Morris explained. The Rishis called this universal field of consciousness, Atma, their own unbounded Self.
They experienced everything as just the reverberation of this single universal field of intelligence. ‘And they experienced in their own words: Aham Brahmasmi—I am that Totality; that is I. The whole universe with everything in it and all the intelligence flowing at the basis of it is just myself, I am infinite silence; I am infinite dynamism; I am Totality; I am the totality of Natural Law; I am the total universe.’
This was their direct experience, Dr Morris explained, and not a philosophy about it. This is how they experienced their life. They felt that this field is just bliss. ‘So it is a very fulfilling state to experience unity with everything in creation,’ Dr Morris continued. ‘And this has been the experience of the sages through all of the ages.’
Dr Morris then explained that in recent times, there have been two such great sages in the Vedic Tradition. First was Maharishi’s teacher, also a great sage, Brahmananda Saraswati, Jagad Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math in the Himalayas. Dr Morris explained that Guru Dev, as he was called, was a great master of all of the techniques that give this level of experience of Unity Consciousness. Maharishi joined him as a young man and spent twelve years with him. It was from Guru Dev that Maharishi learnt everything that he taught in the world.
Dr Morris pointed out that the great Vedic sages experienced the fundamental reality of the Laws of Nature. Long before science was even thought about, they had experienced this reality directly, not through intellectual gyrations or mathematical implications or logic. They directly experienced the hidden reality of all the Laws of Nature at the basis of every expressed phenomenon in the universe.
‘Now, in the present time, science has come to the level where it aspires to know that level,’ Dr Morris continued. Over hundreds of years, science started to look into all the phenomena that are observable in creation and to reduce them to simpler and simpler and more universal principles, such as Newton’s laws of motion and Maxwell’s laws of electromagnetism.
‘Like that, so many basic laws explained a wide variety of phenomenon,’ Dr Morris continued. ‘Then, science developed quantum mechanics, which explained even more subtle and fundamental levels, the way in which everything is functioning on the level of fields, the basic fields that exist in the universe.
‘Einstein, as well as other scientists, aspired to go beyond this, beyond even four fundamental forces. Einstein felt that everything should be found to be just one—there should be one force. It was Einstein’s feeling that for the absolute simplicity and elegance of explanation of the universe, ultimately, all diversity, all different Laws of Nature, should be found reducible into one, single, universal principle or field at the basis of all, from which all laws of nature express themselves. Yet, in his time it did not happen.
‘However, when Maharishi first began to teach the world, he was strongly encouraging all the physicists whom he met, including many Nobel Laureates, to keep going in this direction, telling them that there is such a Unified Field—it is not just an aspiration of mathematics or of quantum field theory, it is actually there—it is real—so please discover it from the intellectual level, from the mathematical level. By the nineteen eighties, the development had come that these Unified Field theories began to be formulated.’
Excellence in Action will soon feature the second part of this talk by Dr Morris in which he explains the self-interacting dynamics of the Unified Field described by modern physics.
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