The underlying, transcendental field of consciousness is now coming to be known by modern science as the Unified Field of Natural Law, the most fundamental, unified level of life from where everything in creation arises.
by Global Good News staff writer
14 September 2010
In the Global Press Conference held at MERU, Holland, on 4 April 2007, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and leading educator in the field of Consciousness-Based Education, answered a question from the Press about understanding ancient Vedic Science in the language of modern science.
In the first part of his answer to the press, Dr Morris explained that the Vedic Rishis or sages were those who experienced universal intelligence at the basis of their own life and awareness. In their own enlightened consciousness, they perceived the Laws of Nature that structure both human physiology and the entire universe. This underlying or transcendental field is now coming to be known by modern science as the Unified Field of Natural Law, the most fundamental, unified level of life from where everything in creation arises.
In this second part of his talk Dr Morris said that when Dr John Hagelin speaks in terms of zero point motion, he explains that there is a unitary motion of a single field that is found expressed in the laws of Electromagnetism, the Strong Force, the Weak Force, the Gravitational Force, and in the fundamental kinds of particles that are there—the bosons and the fermions. These are all just vibrations of one single field, a universal field, or Unified Field.
‘The reason why modern physics and Vedic Science can be understood in terms of each other is that they are two descriptions of one thing,’ Dr Morris continued.
‘They are exactly the same reality being described. In one case, it is the Vedic Rishis who are describing the reality of the unity of creation from the level of direct experience of becoming identified with that field during the deep dives in consciousness through Transcendental Meditation and the advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation [and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying].’
Dr Morris then explained that modern scientists have discovered this Unified Field by ‘simply and logically going step by step until they reduced an infinite variety of phenomena to a few hundred laws; then to four basic fields; and finally, to one universal field in which all the intelligence of nature is ultimately lively.
‘It is a self-interacting field,’ Dr Morris continued, ‘which, as Dr Hagelin points out, makes it a field of consciousness. It is awake inside and interacts with itself. The Unified Field is not a dead field; it is awake, it is self-interacting, it is self-referral, and from within itself, it creates all the Laws of Nature and the whole universe.’
Dr Morris again emphasized that the reason Vedic Knowledge and modern science can be understood in terms of each other is because they are describing exactly the same thing.
‘It is a great moment in the history of the world when the intellectual approach of modern science has glimpsed what the Vedic Rishis have been talking about through the long history of the whole human race.’
It is a confluence of two great traditions of knowledge, Dr Morris said—the Vedic Knowledge of the Unified Field and the modern scientific knowledge of the Unified Field—‘they come together now.’
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