Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Dr Deans
Maharishi School is pioneering new principles of education that offer a simple, practical solution to the widespread problems facing education today.



Fatal flaw in educational system prevalent today
from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment website, Message from the Director, Dr Ashley Deans
10 August 2011

There is a fatal flaw in the educational system prevalent today. A number of top brain researchers are reporting that rather than fully developing our children for success in life, modern education is actually damaging the brains of our children. The pressures and stresses a child faces as he or she navigates the often treacherous corridors of student life, from elementary school through university graduate programs, can inhibit the development of a still-developing brain, thereby not only stifling a student’s innate inner genius and natural thirst for knowledge, but also giving rise to a wide range of learning and behavioral problems.

At Maharishi School we have the answer to this fundamental problem. The answer lies not in new teaching methods or medications to sedate the brain. The solution is the Transcendental Meditation technique and Consciousness-Based Education to wake up the brain—to develop the student’s full creative potential. This is evident not only from the hundreds of published scientific studies reporting benefits in all areas of student life, but also from the extraordinary record of achievements both at Maharishi School and at schools throughout the country and around the world that have incorporated this innovative approach into their curricula.

The fact is Consciousness-Based Education produces unprecedented educational outcomes—in academics, in the arts, in creative problem solving, in sports, and in the development of good citizenship. For example, at Maharishi School Upper School grades consistently score in the top one percent on national standardized tests, and the School has won over 100 state, national, and international championships in the past decade.

With open enrollment, admitting students with a variety of backgrounds and abilities, we are pioneering new principles of education that offer a simple, practical solution to the widespread problems facing education today. Fortunately for everyone, schools across the nation are adopting our innovative approach to education.

I invite you to visit Maharishi School and to see for yourself how we are preparing our own students for a bright future, and helping other schools to incorporate Consciousness-Based Education to ensure a bright future for all children everywhere.


© Copyright 2011 Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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