Colette “Coco” Clark plans to pursue a career in diplomacy and Foreign Service with a focus on the Middle East. Many generations of her family have served overseas or in peacekeeping activities at home.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review,
21 February 2011
Colette “Coco” Clark, of Fairfield, was among the approximately 15,000 students named by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as Finalists in the 2011 scholarship program.
Clark, daughter of Fran Clark and the late Henry Ogden Clark, is a senior at Maharishi School. She has been accepted to the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
She plans to pursue a career in diplomacy and Foreign Service with a focus on the Middle East. In addition to travelling abroad to study International Relations and International Law, she has held an internship with State Senator Becky Schmitz as well as being a volunteer coordinator for the Fairfield chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
Her qualifying essay for the scholarship detailed the many generations of her family who have served overseas or in peacekeeping activities at home.
To become a National Merit Finalist, a student must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be recommended by the high school principal, and earn SAT or ACT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the PSAT test. From the group of Finalists, approximately half will advance to become National Merit Scholars. Each finalist will compete for one of 2500 scholarships awarded on a state representational basis.
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