People find that by looking within using Transcendental Meditation, they finally find an easy, natural way to improve their whole life.
by Global Good News staff writer
7 February 2011
In the following story from Enlightenment magazine (volume 1, issue 3), Steve Haberlin shares his story of ‘How I Learned TM’. He writes:
‘I had tried everything—reading all the self-help books, listening to audiocassettes while driving in the car—but nothing seemed to work. I might experience some temporary result, such as a boost in motivation; but within one week’s time I would return to my old, habitual patterns. As my knowledge of different motivational techniques increased, so did my level of stress. Even though I had studied all the success literature, I was still committing mistakes freely, bringing problems on myself, and accumulating unhealthy stress. I was seeking on the outside for something that could change me within.
‘The turning point in my life came when I read about TM. Instantly, my curiosity was captured, and I had a strong desire to learn more about this method of transcending thought. Opening the Yellow Pages to “Meditation,” I found a TM center located in Providence, Rhode Island. So I called and made an appointment to attend a free lecture describing the benefits of Transcendental Meditation.
‘When I arrived at the beautiful mansion that housed the teaching center, I was already impressed. But when the door opened, I was greeted with one of the biggest smiles I have ever witnessed. That is when I met Marcia Edelston, my TM teacher. Marcia radiated happiness and peace. Just being in her presence lifted my spirits. I had never before met someone so at peace with themself, so free from stress, and so personable. Right there, I realized TM had something to offer, for she was living proof of it.
‘I attended the first lecture on a Wednesday, and learned the technique the next Saturday morning. Immediately I noticed a difference. So did my girlfriend, Monica. She said that I had a glow of peace and confidence radiating from me, and this was only the first day!
‘As I continued to practice TM twice each day, I could literally feel the stress in my body melting away. The effortlessness of the method amazed me. It was so natural, yet so effective. During the rest of the year, the positive changes in my life just accumulated, like a snowball rolling down a mountain. My energy increased, my mind became clear, and happiness and laughter started spontaneously flowing out from me to others.
‘Over time, my relationships improved dramatically, with little effort; my immune system strengthened, resulting in very few colds; and I decided to return to school to complete my college degree, something I never thought I would do. Transcendental Meditation became the long-term, natural method of personal development that I had been so persistently searching for. By looking within, I had finally found a way to improve my whole life.
‘Now the benefits continue to come, and I feel indebted to Maharishi, and grateful to Marcia for sharing this life-changing, profound knowledge with me.
‘As time goes on, and I approach more responsibility I life—in the form of marriage, building a new career, and maintaining a house and family—I realize how important it will be for me to continue practicing TM on an ongoing, regular basis. It expands my awareness, allowing me to meet the challenges of life with a natural ease and effectiveness. That is what makes Transcendental Meditation invaluable to me. My appreciation of it continues to expand, and I cherish the day I learned the TM technique.’
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