by Global Good News staff writer
3 January 2011
In answer to a question from the press in 1990, Maharishi said that Heaven on Earth is our objective. On the ground of peace alone could Heaven be structured.
'So this is our first ground level of achievement—world peace,' Maharishi said. 'The knowledge [of his Vedic Science and technologies of consciousness] warrants that; it offers that thing. So we are very satisfied that all this peace will be achieved—and peace and harmony in the family of nations, in the relations between governments.'
Maharishi explained that there will still be diversity but this diversity will be well united—'like the galaxies, but well united in one ever-expanding universe.'
In answer to a question as to why he had not talked about Heaven on Earth twenty years earlier, Maharishi explained that at that time scientific research had not been done on the collective effect of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Individual physiology and behaviour had been researched by scientists, but the group practice and group influence was not yet established, he said.
'At that time I was still [focused] on the individual, individual development of full potential . . . but now after about 35 years I thought to produce that lasting influence of coherence in the whole world consciousness and free the world from all negativity for all the future.
'This is our latest—and then I thought, "Proclaim the supreme goal of achievement of Heaven on Earth": that means all weaknesses from individuals, from nations, they should go. The main tool to accomplish it is using the full potential of Natural Law, the Unified Field of Natural Law, and produce that effect.
'So this producing the effect has made it absolutely possible to achieve Heaven on Earth, which then, from this ground of Natural Law, does not seem to be far away.'
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