Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


flowerOnce one begins the Transcendental Meditation Technique, all areas of one's life begin to blossom—with increased ability, what had previously been perceived as a problem turns into an easy task, a challenge, or even a great pleasure.



Light up your life with the Transcendental Meditation Technique
by Global Good News staff writer
28 June 2011

‘It just worked like turning on a light switch,’ Jane Lazzereschi says, referring to the effect that learning Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique had on her life. She was a high school student at the time, and was feeling that her ‘whole self was like a teeter totter,’ when her father gave her a choice: she could learn to meditate or be grounded! ‘I thought it [learning the Transcendental Meditation Technique] would be the better route to go,’ Jane tells us.

Looking back, Jane realizes that the benefits came irrespective of the fact that she didn’t learn of her own accord. ‘For me it worked even if I didn’t know about it or care about it or like it or have friends who did it.’ Reflecting further on her initial gains from the practice, she points out, ‘When I started TM, I became more in balance. It gave me a lot of joy in life.’

All-encompassing benefits irrespective of why one learns

Jane’s experience is not uncommon. Meditators have found that regardless of why they learnt the Transcendental Meditation Technique, whether they thought it would work or not, or what effect they were desiring, the benefits spontaneously and naturally come. And the benefits cover all areas of life—mind, body, behaviour, and environment.

Though someone may learn to meditate to lower his blood pressure, he many soon also notice that he gets along better with his colleagues and has greater mental clarity and efficiency. Or a student desiring to focus better on his studies may find that his relationship with his parents spontaneously improves.

The reason for the all-encompassing results of the Transcendental Meditation Technique lies in the fact that it allows the excitations of the mind to settle down until the meditator transcends and experiences the most fundamental level of his mind, the source of thought, his own consciousness in its purest state. This field of pure consciousness is not only the ground state of the individual, but of everything in creation. Physicists call it the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature.

By aligning his awareness with the Unified Field, the practitioner of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique naturally ‘turns on the light’. This is because the Unified Field, experienced at the source of thought, is a reservoir of infinite creativity, strength, intelligence, stability, and flexibility, to name just a few of its ‘qualities’. So when the mind experiences that level, it automatically becomes infused with these qualities.

Problems disappear—life is a joy

With that, problems disappear simply because adding these qualities to one’s life increases the ability to deal with the so-called ‘problems’. After all, a problem is really only the inability to deal with a situation. So, with increased ability, what had previously been perceived as a problem turns into an easy task, or a challenge, or even a great pleasure. By eliminating weakness, the root of problems, the Transcendental Meditation Technique ‘lights up’ all areas of life.

In a very simple, down to earth way, Jane, a travel agent now, expresses how the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, the experience of the most basic level of her own self, makes handling life so much easier. ‘TM gives me a feeling of my self,’ she says. ‘And so what happens outside of myself affects me, but it doesn’t overshadow me so I can still maintain whatever I need to do and still enjoy life. I can deal with things in a very clear way.’

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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