Maharishi School senior Raphael Burne, an extremely independent student, who has worked one-pointedly on his science fair project in a very well-organized way, presented his research at the Nation Junior Science and Humanities Symposium.

Raphael Burne also received numerous awards at the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair (EISEF) including the I-SWEEEP Outstanding Sustainability Project Award.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
6 June 2011
Maharishi School senior Raphael Burne presented his research at the 49th National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) on April 27 in San Diego. The National JSHS was hosted by the Office of Naval Research in cooperation with the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific. “The primary purpose of these fairs is the sharing of research,” said Raphael. “In San Diego there were 250 student researchers, the top 5 from every state.”
Raphael’s research project, Building Material of the Future: Honeycomb Cardboard, investigates replacing traditional building materials with more cost-effective alternatives. He built a model room out of honeycomb cardboard, a material predominantly used in shipping, and found its thermal insulating ability to be 40% higher than that of standard fiberglass. In addition, the cardboard is made from up to 80% recycled materials, making it more sustainable.
“Raphael is an extremely independent student and worked one-pointedly on his science fair project.” said Karen Price, Raphael’s science teacher. “He knew what he wanted to accomplish, did a great job organizing and budgeting time for his project, and ended up with time to test more materials than he had planned.”
Raphael was one of the five Iowa representatives at last year’s JSHS and his current project is a further expansion of the research he presented in 2010. Approximately 100 adult leaders, high school teachers, university faculty, ranking military guests, and others attended the National JSHS encouraging the future generation of scientists and engineers and celebrating student achievements in the sciences.
In March, Raphael received numerous awards at the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair (EISEF) including the I-SWEEEP Outstanding Sustainability Project Award. This award enabled him to compete at the International Sustainable World Energy Engineering Environment Olympiad in Houston on May 4, where he won a bronze medal in the engineering category.
In addition, Raphael placed first in the Senior Individual Physical Seminar and second in the Engineering category at the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa (SSTFI) this April, and received a $5,000 Iowa Energy Center award.
Raphael has just been accepted to George Washington University in Washington, DC.t.
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