Students, who have experienced Transcendental Meditation, highly recommend it and say that it helps them relax and feel calmer, so that they do better on their exams.
by Global Good News staff writer, based on online video
3 May 2011
‘It’s surprisingly easy.’ ‘You recharge your batteries. It’s amazing, just 20 minutes.’ These teenagers are describing the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
At the Maharishi School in England, teachers and students all practise the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique, the foundation of Consciousness-Based Education.
What is it like, and what does it do for the students?
‘When I meditate I find that I really relax and unwind,’ said one young lady. ‘I really . . . feel much calmer than normal. Sometimes I just kind of lose track of time and it’s just blissful.’
Another student described her experience: ‘I find that everything slows down, my breathing doesn’t need to be so deep. . . . Everything slows down and I become more settled . . . and I think, oh I don’t want to stop!’ she giggled. ‘It maintains throughout the day. It feels good.’
Deep rest and silence is how another student described her experience of the Transcendental Meditation Technique. ‘After I meditate I feel very calm and clear-headed for a long time . . . and it allows me to think much clearer. My problems just seem to diminish. If I have a problem before I’ve meditated, afterwards I feel I’m kind of able to take it on board, or I have a solution, or it doesn’t bother me anymore.’
A young man appreciated the effect TM has on his relationships. ‘If I feel I’m getting stressed, I can go somewhere quiet, sit and close my eyes and practise (TM), and feel a lot more at ease. . . . When I go back out and speak to my friends and my family, the thing that was annoying me before has just gone away.’
‘If my friends ask me about TM, I say that it’s a stress relieving technique that allows you to dive further into rest than you would during your deepest sleep,’ said another young man. ‘Quite often a lot of my friends will have a power nap in the afternoon and I say, well this is better than that. This is a super-power nap!’
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