During the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, one experiences the field of pure consciousness—the field of pure love, energy, and happiness—and this field of intelligence brings profound, real, seemingly miraculous changes in life.
by Global Good News staff writer
23 November 2011
When glamorous Israeli actress, author, and philanthropist Meital Dohan was asked to host a radio show called Loud Miracles, she chose as her first guest Bob Roth, a man whom she considers to be a ‘miracle worker’. Why does Meital feel that this is Roth’s role? In her own words, she says that it is ‘for his 40 years of contribution to the world of meditation.’
Roth’s career has been to bring Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique to people worldwide. He now holds the position as executive director for two non-profit organizations, the Transcendental Meditation organization, which teaches the technique, and the David Lynch Foundation, which filmmaker David Lynch started in order to provide funding for underprivileged and at-risk children around the globe to learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
Do you believe in miracles?
Since her show is on miracles, Meital started out by asking her guest if he believes in miracles. Roth replied by first quoting Saint Augustine: ‘Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary to what we know about nature.’ Roth went on to say that he feels that ‘there is no such thing as a miracle. There are just deeper realities and deeper manifestations of the ultimate reality.’ He doesn’t feel that miracles are unreal but are expressions of nature’s intelligence, ‘the same intelligence that can create, not just all the infinite life forms on this earth, but think of all the planets and galaxies and infinite numbers.’ The word ‘miracle’, Roth explained, may refer to deeply profound and real things that nature can do—we just may not understand them.
When Meital first met Bob Roth and he started telling her about the Transcendental Meditation Technique, she was curious because, she said, ‘I had tried so many things to improve my well being before. In other words, how to stay alive without jumping off a bridge or going to an asylum.’ She wondered about the mysterious nature of life and what the secret to our existence is.
Meital was sceptical about trying what Roth was offering ‘because,’ she said, ‘I feel there are so many people out there promising to change your life.’ But, despite her own doubts, Meital learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique and, she told her radio audience, ‘It totally changed my life.’
Going to ‘the land of pure miracle’
With that, Meital asked her guest ‘to describe the magic of Transcendental Meditation.’
He responded by first referring to the many forms of meditation that exist—contemplation, concentration techniques, ways to try to get the mind to settle down. Then, as a prelude to describing the Transcendental Meditation Technique, Roth talked about the mind as being like an ocean. ‘If you take an ocean,’ he said, ‘you will see that there are waves on the surface and then there are 20-foot high waves and then a mile in depth of the ocean. While all the thoughts of our mind—all that we have to do, etc.—are on the surface of it, the mind is profoundly deep and silent in its depth.’
He continued, ‘Transcendental Meditation is a simple technique that allows the attention of the mind to turn inward. We are not just stuck on the surface of the wavy mind. Turn inward and the mind naturally begins to effortlessly settle down to experience quieter levels of thought. And then there are times when we experience that deepest level of the mind, the source of thought, when we transcend, or go beyond, even the finest thought and we experience our big Self, the land of pure miracle.’
Shine from the inside
Reflecting on what Roth had told her before she learned the magic of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, Meital gratefully said that everything he had said would be the result of the practice was, in fact, happening. At her guest’s request, she listed a few of those points: ‘you’ll glow, you’ll have more energy, good things will be attracted to you.’
Roth continued by explaining that all this comes about because during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, you experience the field of pure consciousness, the field of pure love, energy, and happiness. And he shared that, as in Meital’s case, you can be sceptical when you learn. ‘You don’t have to believe anything.’
Roth elucidated how the Transcendental Meditation Technique works by using an analogy. ‘Let’s say all of us are 100-watt bulbs. But stress and fatigue and tension and strain and doubt and disappointment and rejection—all of those sort of heavy stresses—are like dust and dirt on the light bulb. And we don’t glow. It’s there. It’s inside of us. TM doesn’t create anything that isn’t already there. It just washes off that dirt and dust and we can shine the way we want to shine. You just get rid of the stress and find out who you are.’
Meital, thrilled by her own experience of the practice and fascinated with the Transcendental Meditation Technique, is talking about increasing awareness of it and bringing it to the Israeli military. She said to her guest, ‘For me, your role is definitely to bring magic and miracles to other people’s lives.’
As she concluded the show with Bob Roth, she reiterated her sentiments, ‘Thanks for bringing miracles to other people’s lives.’
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