At Lake Louise in Canada, Maharishi spoke about the inner nature of life and how Transcendental Meditation allows any individual to unfold the limitless energy, creativity, and power that lies latent within every human being.
by Enlightenment, The Transcendental Meditation Magazine,
11 November 2011
The mind naturally moves in the direction of greater happiness—bliss
The principle of Transcendental Meditation is simple. Being is bliss in its nature; it is infinite happiness. Mind is always moving in the direction of greater happiness. It is the experience of everyone: wherever the mind goes, it goes in the direction of greater happiness. And because the nature of inner Being is bliss, infinite happiness, therefore the mind during Transcendental Meditation takes that inward course in a most spontaneous manner.
In this meditation we do not concentrate or control the mind. We let the mind follow its natural instinct towards greater happiness. And it goes within and gains Bliss Consciousness in Being.
The technique is: we take a specific thought which suits us, which is called a mantra or suitable sound for us, which we receive from the trained teacher of Transcendental Meditation. And these teachers are found everywhere in the world. I have trained them properly. And they give a suitable word, and the man experiences the thought of that sound and starts minimizing that thought to experience the finer state of that thought, until the source of thought is fathomed and the conscious mind reaches the transcendental area of Being.
In Transcendental Meditation the mind experiences subtler states of thought and spontaneously reaches Bliss Consciousness
So from gross thought to the subtle state of thought to the subtlest state of thought: this is the path of Transcendental Meditation, until the conscious mind reaches Bliss Consciousness, or Transcendental Consciousness, or Pure Consciousness, or the state of Being.
Here in the state of Being the mind becomes soaked in energy, intelligence, and extreme happiness. With it, it comes out and experiences the world much better than before.
Through practice the conscious level of the mind deepens, and the full potential of the mind begins to be lived
The depth of the lake and the ripples, and the beautiful reflection of the glacier, reminds me of the story of inner life.
The mind is deep like a lake. The ripples on the surface represent the conscious mind, the activity of the mind on the surface. And the whole depth of the lake is silent. And that is the subconscious mind, which is not used by the wave. But if the wave could deepen and incorporate more silent levels of the water, the waves could become the waves of the ocean, the mighty waves.
This is what happens in Transcendental Meditation. The surface activity of the conscious mind deepens and incorporates within its fold the depth of the subconscious. And with practice, nothing remains subconscious. The whole subconscious becomes conscious, and a man starts using full potential of the mind.
—Maharishi, Lake Louise, Canada, June 1968
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