The Nepalese ambassador, Pramesh Hamal, said that he met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Katmandu in 1974 and this meeting changed his life—his entire thinking and philosophy.

The ambassador to Nepal said that he felt transformed after his visit to Fairfield, Iowa, and he wants to be a force for Consciousness-Based Education in Nepal.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review and the website of Maharishi School, Iowa, USA
13 November 2011
Pramesh Kumar Hamal, Nepalese ambassador to the Benelux countries, and Mrs. Sangita Hamal recently spent a week on Maharishi University of Management campus, learning about Consciousness-Based education and visiting their daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. Hamal learned the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1974 when Maharishi Mahesh Yogi travelled to Nepal to instruct thousands of people in the practice.
"Since learning the Transcendental Meditation technique, I had a dream to visit Fairfield and see Maharishi¹s creation," Mr Hamal said. "It has been a great opportunity to be here and have this experience. I can now return to my country feeling transformed."
Mr. Hamal's appointment in Europe, where he also is Head of Mission to the European Union, will conclude in December, and he and Mrs. Hamal hope to implement Consciousness-Based education in Nepal on their return.
Mrs. Hamal also said it was a dream come true to visit Fairfield. She is an educator and has had meetings with a number of experts in Consciousness-Based education while visiting the U.S.
"I've been to many countries in the world, but have never been to a place like this," she said. "I want to be a force for Consciousness-Based education in Nepal."
While on campus, the Hamals visited classes, spent time at Maharishi School, toured Maharishi Vedic City, and more.
Their son-in-law, Badri Budhathoki, was a student in the Computer Professionals program and is currently on staff in that department.
Maharishi School was honored to have the distinguished Nepalese Ambassador, Mr. Pramesh Hamal, address the student body on Monday, October 10. . . . He toured the school with his wife, Sangeeta, and gave an inspiring address to the Middle and Upper School students.
After greeting the students with the traditional greeting, “Namaste," he told the student body that Nepal is one of the best tourist destinations in the world because of its magnificent geography. Mount Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world at 8,848 meters, plus eight other mountain peaks over 8,000 meters high, grace this beautiful country.
In Nepal, Hindus and Buddhists exist side by side in harmony, he told the students. The same temples are common to people of both religions. “I was born in a Hindu family,” he said, “but I visit the Buddhist monastery and Buddhists visit the Hindu Temples. Why do we live in harmony? Because our philosophy is that we love each other and respect each other.”
The harmony begins in the home, he continued. “We teach our children that home is their first school and their parents are their first Gurus.” He explained that “Gu” from the word Guru, means darkness and “Ru” means illumination. Therefore, the role of parents is to be the first teachers, bringing light to their children and eliminating darkness.
“In our tradition children know to respect their elders, how to maintain discipline, and remain moral in their character. Now we have the influence of western culture, but traditionally we always focus on our character and believe it is our greatest fortune. Even if one makes a mistake, one can always make the correction,” he said.
Ambassador Hamal spoke about how he learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. “I have met many distinguished persons in the international arena,” he said.
“I have met Pope John Paul II, Sai Baba, and others, but the person I met in Katmandu in 1974 changed my entire thinking and philosophy. He was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.”
Maharishi brought the first broadcast TV station to Nepal and set it up on the tallest Buddhist temple. Hundreds of jeeps drove around the country with TV receptor screens on the back, announcing a free introductory lecture on the TM program. Maharishi personally instructed 28,000 Nepalese citizens within two weeks’ time, and the Ambassador was one of them. He has been regularly meditating ever since.
Ambassador Hamal concluded with a recitation of some inspiring Sanskrit expressions, which he translated as follows:
“Lead us from the unreal to real,
From untruth to truth,
From unconsciousness to consciousness,
From darkness to light.”
He explained that teachers, parents and elders would lead the students from darkness to light. He concluded with one last inspiring expression:
“May all of you gain happiness and peace.”
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