Vinodthan Nayagar studied Maharishi Vedic Science in order to explore both the absolute and relative levels of life.

Vinodthan's family came to the USA from South Africa in 2006 in order to attend the Invincible America Assembly, and Vindothan and his sister fell in love with MUM.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
26 October 2011
MBA student Vinodthan Nayagar completed a double major in 2011 in Maharishi Vedic Science and Sustainable Living, graduating cum laude and receiving the Outstanding Student Award from the Department of Maharishi Vedic Science. In addition, both he and his father, Vanan Nayagar, received the Development of Consciousness Award, becoming the first two family members to receive the award at the same time.
Vinodthan, whose great-great-grandparents moved from India to South Africa, grew up near Johannesburg. He has been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique since the age of six, and has always wanted to come to MUM with his family. In 2006, they were all able to come to the Invincible America Assembly. Vinodthan and his sister fell in love with MUM and their parents decided to stay and work for the University.
Vinodthan chose Maharishi Vedic Science to deepen his understanding of Maharishi’s knowledge. “Vedic Science led me to sustainable living,” said Vinodthan. “I wanted to use Maharishi’s knowledge in a practical way to help—I wanted to explore both the absolute and the relative levels of life.”
Studying Maharishi Vedic Science also inspired Vinodthan to pursue an MBA degree. His goal is to help companies conduct business in a more socially and environmentally responsible way and to uplift mankind through Maharishi’s knowledge.
Vinodthan finds he has grown a lot through Consciousness-Based education at MUM. “These last four years were the first time I really enjoyed school, and I was hungry for knowledge,” he said. “We are not just learning knowledge from books, we are relating it to ourselves.”
“Vinodthan is one of those students that you just want to do anything and everything for,” said Professor Tom Egenes. “He’s an ideal student, like the rest of his wonderful family.”
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