Young girls at the Ideal Academy sing about how the Transcendental Meditation Technique helps them to feel that "everything is so right".

Desiree, 11, wrote a song expressing that with Transcendental Meditation she feels calm, and no one can put her down.

Ife Calhoun, a student at Ideal Academy Public Charter School in Washington, DC, won first prize in the children’s division of the songwriting competition for her song about Transcendental Meditation entitled 'A Place That We Call Home'.
by Global Good News staff writer
23 April 2012
Ife Calhoun is a student at Ideal Academy Public Charter School in Washington, DC. About a year and a half ago, she won first prize in the children’s division of a songwriting competition sponsored by the Global Mother Divine Organization. Her song, ‘A Place That We Call Home,’ highlights the special feature of her school, the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Ife, accompanied by her friends, Desiree Campbell and Devonnia Hill, sings:
‘When you’re feeling blue and don’t know what to do,
Just slow it down a bit, get comfortable and sit.
When you close your eyes and think your mantra inside
And when you know you’re done, everything feels so right.’
The girls then joyfully sing the catchy refrain:
‘When you’re feeling sad, and you’re feeling all alone,
That is when TM is the place that we call home.’
The second verse again expresses the good feeling enjoyed through the practice concluding, ‘It’s nice to feel at home.’
‘You Can’t Put Me Down’
Desiree also wrote a song, ‘You Can’t Put Me Down,’ for the competition and took second place in the children’s division. Performing solo, Desiree’s song tells of the inner strength and joy that her practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique has brought her. Desiree sings:
‘You can’t put me down. You can’t put me down if you try.
You can’t hold me back.
The world may be hard, but it will get easier.
The world is as we are.
When I first started to meditate, I was calm.
Nobody can bring down my joy. Life is here to enjoy.’
Her song continues, expressing her confident and harmonious outlook towards life.
‘The world is my family. Let’s not argue. Let’s meditate.
All we gotta do is close our eyes and relate. . .
You will be fine, so fine. You will be calm, so calm.
All will be fine.’
A deep, transforming inner silence
Ideal Academy’s Principal Dr George Rutherford, who put the Quiet Time with Transcendental Meditation Programme into place at his school several years ago, says he has tried every government programme to improve academic performance for over 40 years—and nothing has worked as well as Quiet Time.
It is such a simple, effective programme which the kids, teachers and parents love. Doc reiterates Desiree’s perspective of a harmonious world explaining, ‘Transcendental Meditation is the only transformational programme that you can put in a public school that can change the whole community and give us a better quality of life.’
In the midst of the activity of Washington, D.C., 150 students meditated. A visitor to the school, who meditated with them, described that he experienced silence—not just an absence of outer noise—but a deep inner silence that awakens the brain, fuels creativity, solves problems, awakens self-confidence, removes stress, and promotes health.
After their group meditation, speaking sweetly and gently, the visitor shared with the students his thoughts on their practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique. ‘Inside of us is the source of our happiness,’ he began. And the reason we meditate, is so that we can operate from that happy place.
‘And when it’s chaotic and noisy,’ he went on, ‘then the world can be troublesome. That’s why we meditate. It’s such a blissful calm place. When you open your eyes, if you operate from that same place, then all of what’s supposed to be hard becomes easy. Though the world may be hard, it will get easier.’
An older schoolmate of the girls smiled as he gave his angle on the school. ‘When I came to Ideal, I was skeptical about it because I had never been to a school that did Transcendental Meditation. And then I tried it and it was just like, wow! Wow!,’ he said with joy and laughter.
‘That’s why we meditate,’ the visitor confirmed, ‘to get connected to that calm, relaxed, perfect self’—in Ife’s words, ‘a place that we call home.’
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