Dr. Travis spoke about how the Transcendental Meditation Technique has been a great success, reducing crime at the school and improving attendance and academic performance, due to the positive changes in the brain during the practice.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
25 April 2012
Students recently had an opportunity to learn from Maharishi University of Management faculty neuroscientist Fred Travis how stress affects the brain and how the Transcendental Meditation technique helps.
At Joliet Junior College in Illinois, Dr. Travis addressed students in a general psychology class and an abnormal psychology class, as well as presenting a general lecture to students, faculty, and administrators.
He spoke about the brain and stress and how the Transcendental Meditation technique buffers stress.
In his role as a published neuroscientist, Dr. Travis also recently traveled to California to speak to students in the Quiet Time program funded by the David Lynch Foundation. He gave 15 presentations to various classes, explaining how we learn, how the brain develops, how stress affects the brain, and how the Transcendental Meditation technique affects the brain.
"What they've done with the Quiet Time program is really remarkable," Dr. Travis said. "It's been a great success, reducing crime at the school and improving attendance and academic performance. I wanted to give the students a deeper understanding of what Quiet Time is all about. And I was able to help the faculty and staff more deeply appreciate what's happening in the kids' brains. They were very appreciative."
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