31 August 2012
The principal of Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, describes the Vedic knowledge that makes his school unique and so successful in developing consciousness of the students.
29 August 2012
Dancer Gerilyn Paguia describes how her practice of Transcendental Meditation has helped her see into the deeper mechanics of dance and communicate these more effectively with those she teaches. (more) |
27 August 2012
At the ideal environment for cultivating inner peace, Maharishi University of Management, course participants enjoyed a vision of possibilities for living life fully, and received simple, practical methods to achieve this. (more) |
24 August 2012
D H Lawrence must have experienced the depths of his consciousness, for he describes the experience of transcending and being connected to the source of life beautifully in his writings. (more) |
22 August 2012
Award-winning painter, William Acheff, finds that the Transcendental Meditation technique enhances his personal life as well as his art with the silence, depth, and unity that he experiences during meditation. (more) |
20 August 2012
Maharishi explains the term "Vedic" to the press and offers deep insights into the experience of transcending in an excerpt from a press conference held on August 11, 2004. (more) |
17 August 2012
The College for Creative Studies in Michigan, USA, a recognized leader in art and design education is now a leader in ensuring its students have the tools to fuel their own creativity and overcome stress. (more) |
15 August 2012
Ayako Huang, a native of Taiwan, recently earned her doctoral degree in management from Maharishi University of Management and appreciates the results of her Transcendental Meditation and TM Sidhi programme. (more) |
13 August 2012
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi answers deep and fascinating questions about enlightenment in an interview that was published in the book Celebrating the Dawn by Robert Oates. (more) |
10 August 2012
Sharon Isbin, one of the most respected guitarists in the world, speaks about her artistry and how practising Transcendental Meditation since she was 17 has influenced her art. (more) |
8 August 2012
Four MBA teams from Maharishi University of Management (MUM) finished in the top 10 out of 97 MBA teams who participated in the international CAPSIM Foundation Business Simulation. (more) |
5 August 2012
With a Consciousness-Based approach to art education, not only do students grow in creativity from within, they gain a profound understanding of the nature and purpose of art. (more) |
3 August 2012
During Transcendental Meditation, we dive into the field of pure consciousness deep within us which is the source of our individual creative expression and the source of the creativity of nature itself. (more) |
1 August 2012
Maharishi University of Management (MUM) hosted a symposium in July to show the practical applications of the expansion of consciousness and how Maharishi’s technologies of consciousness are essential to truly create a sustainable, heavenly world. (more) |