The supermodel Raquel Zimmerman speaks of growing orderliness, more energy, inner peace, joie de vivre, more positivity, love of people, and a healthier lifestyle as benefits she is enjoying with the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
by Global Good News staff writer
11 June 2012
This supermodel isn’t looking to be ‘cool’ through who she is. ‘For me,’ Ms Zimmerman said in an interview, ‘beauty is something that comes from inside any person.’
But how does one grow from within?
At about the time of the interview, Raquel was in Paris doing a photo shoot for Gucci and was excited that David Lynch was the director. She relates that when she asked him to autograph a copy of his book, Catching the Big Fish, Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity, ‘I realized he was the nicest, happiest person.’
While giving the autograph, Lynch suggested that Raquel take a course in the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Responding to the wonderful person that she saw in Lynch and his words of inspiration, the supermodel learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique and tells in an interview held in July, 2011 of the inner growth that came in just her first year of the practice.
Proud of her new lifestyle
‘I remember when I first started meditating,’ Raquel says, ‘it was like a wake-up call in my brain. All of a sudden, within the first week of meditating, I wanted to organize. I wanted to organize my life, my personal belongings, my apartment—everything. I got this desire to organize things. It was almost like my brain was “turned on”.
‘Transcendental Meditation changed my whole lifestyle in a year,’ she continues with a big smile. ‘And one big change happened four months ago when I realized that I had to quit smoking. It was something that I’d been carrying with me through all my modeling career ‘cause I thought that smoking would keep me thin…It’s something that made me very proud now, to be a non-smoker and to take care of myself.’
Starting the day with excitement and calm
Since learning the Transcendental Meditation Technique, Raquel no longer feels the need for a cup of coffee to get her out of bed. ‘Now,’ she says, ‘I wake up always in a light mood. I do my meditation and it makes me feel—it’s funny, when I meditate I feel this excitement—what is the day going to be like today. It’s almost like, you know, how people say “live every day of your life as if it was the last day”—that’s the feeling I get like—today is a day and all these things that I can do today,’ Raquel says with great joie de vivre.
‘And it’s an excitement feeling. But then, at the same time, it’s like calming. And now, more and more—it’s been a year now—I really start to feel this blissful feeling. And it comes and you’re like “wow”. It’s beautiful.’
The beauties of the world
Raquel relates how, with her practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, her outlook on life has become more positive. ‘I think that before Transcendental Meditation, I had the tendency to be negative about everything,’ the supermodel says. ‘I was the kind of person that would always look at the negative side of things before the positive.
‘So I used to meet someone and I would straightaway start looking at the negative things about that individual. And what Transcendental Meditation did is —now when I look at an individual, I can only see the positive things about, you know, not only [about] people, but things in general.
‘Of course,’ Raquel adds, ‘Transcendental Meditation has made me aware—has made me aware of the beauties of the world but has also made me aware of things in general.’
And while she had previously found that the social interactions of her profession felt fake and that she couldn’t connect with people, the supermodel reports with a laugh, ‘Now that I started meditating, I’m starting to love people. It’s true. And all kinds of people,’ she continues. ‘It’s almost like I want to meet as many people as I can. And you start to realize that no matter what you do, each person is equally as beautiful as the others.
‘I feel that since I started meditation, Transcendental Meditation, my relation with other people changed to a much better way,’ Raquel adds.
Energy and calm
People tell the supermodel how energetic she is now. While she used to feel tired from her work, eager to get out of the high heels, Raquel says that things have changed since she began the Transcendental Meditation Technique. ‘Now, it’s like I’m an athlete and I’m full of energy,’ she shares with a laugh.
At the same time that she enjoys this energetic boost, the supermodel also notices a seemingly opposite quality growing. ‘I feel much more calm because of meditation,’ Raquel explains. ‘It’s like you have your quiet time and all that stress and the worries and everything is dissolved and then you move on to your day and all the challenges and problems don’t become problems anymore. It’s like you’re going to find solutions to everything. It’s almost like it’s a stress killer.’
‘Paradise no matter where you are’
In her life as a model, traveling around the world, Raquel has felt the stress of airports and being in hotels. ‘It can be very “stressy”, she says. But, ‘TM just makes me feel calm about that. You know, the frustration is gone. And also, yeah, being with myself. You know, you get to a hotel room and you meditate. When you’re there in that moment of total peace and with yourself, it’s like you’re in paradise no matter where you are.’
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