Included in the “Experience the Self" course will be instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique, a simple, natural technique for diving within and fathoming the depths of one's own consciousness. If one already practices Transcendental Meditation, then one can learn an Advanced Technique to take one's experience to a higher level.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
30 May 2012
A special 12-day course to be held July 10-22 at Maharishi University of Management will showcase Consciousness-Based education, Fairfield, and the larger community. The “Experience the Self” course will offer a wide range of opportunities including classes, entertainment, and outdoor activities providing something for everyone.
Participants will learn the Transcendental Meditation technique, and those already practicing the technique can learn an Advanced Transcendental Meditation technique.
Guests will also have the opportunity to choose from MUM’s most popular courses such as Maharishi Self-Pulse reading [1], Maharishi Yoga asanas [2], Vedic Literature, sustainable living, and writing. They will also be able to take tours of MUM, Maharishi School, Fairfield art galleries and businesses, Maharishi Vedic Architecture, and Abundance EcoVillage.
The all-inclusive event will also offer entertainment such as concerts and special guest presentations, as well as walking and bike tours, tennis, golf, and canoeing.
“Whether people are coming to Fairfield for the first time or have been here many times, this course will offer a rich and rewarding experience,” said organizer Adrienne Schoenfeld, MUM Director of Communications. “People will be able to design their own schedules based on their interests. We want to offer a perfect balance of rest and activity.”
Ms. Schoenfeld is working with numerous local organizations, including the Fairfield Arts and Convention Center, the Mayor’s Office, the Maharishi Foundation USA, the David Lynch Foundation, and the MUM Global Student Council.
“With the great response we are already having, we are looking to do this event regularly,” Ms. Schoenfeld said. “Many Meditators and Sidhas have not had the chance to come back in a long time. This event will give them a chance to reconnect.”
Full-time students can take advantage of a special package that includes meals, housing, Transcendental Meditation program instruction, and all classes and events. The course can only accommodate 350 people so the organizers encourage everyone to apply early.
For more information and to register, visit http://www.experiencetheself.org/
1. Maharishi Self-Pulse Reading: Begin to detect balance and imbalance in the body by feeling the pulse with your own three fingertips. Self-pulse reading is the most ancient and natural means of determining the level of balance or imbalance in the mind and body — and therapeutic in itself. This course presents Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s revival of this ancient technology to determine the state of the inner intelligence of the body.
Everyone should learn pulse diagnosis to maintain their own health. Pulse diagnosis allows you to detect imbalances early, before they manifest as disease, and how to restore balance. Furthermore, pulse is therapeutic in itself.
Just taking the pulse increases physiological balance. Taking your pulse enlivens the connection between mind and body, consciousness and matter.
2. Maharishi Yoga asanas: Whether you are a beginner or expert, this Maharishi Yoga asana course provides an authentic and profound understanding and practice of yoga asana. Here’s a new approach not previously taught in any other course and an entirely fresh way to approach your practice. Maharishi has revived the essential understanding that Yoga means the experience of pure consciousness, the unified, transcendental field of consciousness deep within — and that Yoga, one of the 40 aspects of the Vedic Literature, provides the technologies to enable one to dive within and enjoy that experience.
The traditional physical postures of Yoga asanas enliven the connection between mind and body, consciousness and physiology. This unique practical course includes regular practice of Maharishi Yoga asanas as well as the understanding of their specific effects on the mind and body. Discover how these ancient Vedic poses, done correctly and without effort, help to dissolve stress and enliven mind-body coordination to support inner silence and expansion of consciousness.
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